Chapter 4

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Next day morning, after a refreshing bath, Jungkook found solace in the garden, watering the plants while sharing the events of the previous day as if his leafy companions were attentive confidants

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Next day morning, after a refreshing bath, Jungkook found solace in the garden, watering the plants while sharing the events of the previous day as if his leafy companions were attentive confidants.

Jungkook: "You won't believe what happened yesterday, my green buddies. I bumped into someone, named V at the market. And he did something incredible. I twisted my ankle, and he not only helped treat it but also carried me. Oh, and he flirted a bit."

He chuckled, the garden bearing witness to his animated retelling of the unexpected encounter.

Jungkook: "V is surprisingly sweet. I never expected that. Makes you wonder what's behind the mask, huh?"

Lost in thoughts of Taehyung and the events of the previous day, Jungkook continued to water the plants in a slightly dreamy state. Unbeknownst to him, his mom approached, noticing his distracted demeanor.

Mrs. Jeon: "Deep in thought, Kookie? Anything on your mind? You can tell, you know I never judge you."

Jungkook (startled): "Oh, hey, Mom. Yeah, just thinking about yesterday. Actually I met someone at the market, and he turned out to be quite different than I expected."

Mrs. Jeon (smiling): "Someone, huh? Must be quite a memorable encounter. What's on your mind?"

Jungkook (blushing): "Well, he helped me when I twisted my ankle, and we had a little chat. It's just... I didn't expect him to be so, you know, sweet."

Mrs. Jeon (teasing): "Ah, the mysteries of the heart. Curious, aren't they? By the way, what's his name?"

Jungkook: "His name is V. Anyway, do you have anything to say as you approached me now?"

Mrs. Jeon: "Yeah Kookie, I have a little job for you. Take this basket and head to the forest. Bring back some mangoes; I want to make mango jam today."

Jungkook (smiling): "Sure, Mom! Mango jam sounds amazing. I'll get the best ones."

As Jungkook prepared to leave with the basket, Mrs. Jeon had one more thing in mind. She stopped him and, with a warm smile, tied a colorful scarf around his head and neck, offering protection from the sun.

Mrs. Jeon: "There you go, Kookie. The sun's quite strong today. This should help you stay cool while you're out there."

Jungkook (grateful): "Thanks, Mom. It's a thoughtful touch. I'll be back with the best mangoes for your jam."

Eager to get going, Jungkook bid her a quick thanks and started running towards the forest. Mrs. Jeon, noticing his brisk pace, couldn't help but call out a warning.

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