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"It's my birthdayyyyyyy" is the first thing I hear, as enter the hotel.
Yes, today is Julia girl's birthday and I have not forgotten.
My mood isn't much better then yesterday, but for Julia girl I can change that a little. She's too cute not to. And Chloe kinda forces me, but that's not for anyone, but me and her, to know.

"I know, sweetie. Happy birthday" I smile at her, as I make my way behind the desk.

"I'm now six years old"

"Yep. You're a big girl. Very big. You can't even count it on one hand anymore"

"I know" she jumps in excitement.

"I got you something" I give her a smirk.

"Oh my gosh, really?!"

"Yep. Really"

"Willy, Willy, she got me something" she starts running into Valderrama dude's arms, as he makes his way into the lobby.

"Happy birthday, bud. You left our room before I even woke up. I couldn't congratulate you" he fake pouts, with a huge smile on his face, as he picks up Julia girl and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you. She got me something. Demi got me something!"

"Really?" he quirks his eyebrow at me.

"No, I'm lying" I roll my eyes at him.
He always manages to ruin everything.

"Well, excuse me" he grumbles, as Julia girl jumps out of his arm and makes her way behind the desk.

"Can I help you again today?"

"Sure, darling. You're a big girl now, so you gotta do a good job, yeah?"

"Yep" she nods.

"So, when is she gonna get that thing you got for her?" Valderrama dude asks.

"When I feel like giving it. And with you sitting here, that might take some time"

"Not even for once can you try and be a little nicer. It's impossible with you"

"Hmm, I wonder who's fault that is" I put my finger on my chin and pretend to be thinking, "Oh, right, it's yours"

He rolls his eyes, as Julia girl starts giggling.

"What's funny, sweet stuff?" I ask.

"You two. You're such babies. Even worse that my cousins"

"And how old might your cousins be, then?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Oh, one of them is seven and the other is two. They're brothers and they fight the whole time. And about stupid stuff, just like you two. And they both say they don't like each other, but they actually do love each other a lot. They just won't admit it. Just like you two"

"Okay, okay, hold it right there" I stop her, "We, me and that guy, do not love each other. I repeat, we do not love each other. Emphasis on the do not, sweetie. Is that clear?"

"Sure" she nods, as she just laughs.

"Now, what kind of special thing are you gonna do for your birthday?"

"I don't know. I think I'm just staying in today. We might go out to dinner later. Oh my god, will you join us?"

"Uhh, I don't think so, sweetie"

"Why not? It's gonna be so much fun"

"So much fun" I mutter under my breath, "So much fun"

"Come on, don't be a party pooper"

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