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The next day is busy.
It's almost noon and already three people checked in and two people checked out.
Right now, I'm in the lobby with Julia girl, while Valderrama dude went back to their room to do something that's none of my interest.

"You ready?" Julia girl asks.
She's very excited for me and Chloe to compete against each other on her routine thingy.
Chloe ended up not being able to be here early, so we're still waiting for her to come, as soon as possible.

"I hope so" I chuckle.

"I have a joke" she says.

"Okay. Tell me"

"The broccoli says, I look like a small tree. The mushroom says, I look like an umbrella. The walnut says, I look like a brain. And the banana says, can we please change the subject" she starts cracking up, making me smile too.
That is one of the lamest jokes I've ever heard in my life, but her laugh and the fact that she thinks it's so funny, make me laugh too.

"Do you get it?" she asks in between her giggles.

"Yeah, I do"

"Because he doesn't look like anything. He wants to change the subject, because he has nothing to say" she laughs, making me laugh a little, too.

"Can I tell you another one?"

"Sure" I say, hoping it's not such a stupid one again.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"

To get to the other side. But I decide to pretend I don't know.


"To get to the other side" she cracks up again, "Another one?"

"I guess"

"Two kids were arguing when the teacher walked into the classroom. The teacher asked, 'why are you arguing?' and one of them answered 'we found a ten dollar bill and decided to give to the one that tells the biggest lie'. The teacher replied 'you should be ashamed of yourself. When I was your age I didn't even know what a lie was'. The kids then gave her the ten dollar bill" she's laughing so hard that she can barely breathe, while I'm chuckling to myself.
Those jokes aren't even funny, but she's so cute.

"Hey" Valderrama dude smiles at us, as he takes his usual seat.

"Hi" I smile back.

"What's so funny?"

"She was just telling me some jokes"

"She's at it again" he chuckles, "Just pretend you like them" he then says, quiet enough so she won't her.

"I am" I reply.

"Thank you. She'll be very offended if you don't like it"

"I'll keep that in mind" I smile at him, as Julia girl finally calms down.

"I have another one" she says, excited, "My fried thinks he's smart. He said onion is the only food that can make you cry, so I threw a coconut in his face"

Valderrama dude starts laughing a little, so I join him, while Julia girl is struggling to catch her breath.

"Can I do one more?" she asks.

"As many as you want, darling" I reply.

"Okay, two blondes fell down a hole. One says, 'it's dark in here, isn't it?' The other replies, 'I don't know. I can't see'" she laughs, "Do you get it?"

"Yeah, I do" I try my hardest to laugh, but it's really hard when it's such a stupid joke.

"A wife asks a husband, 'how would you describe me?' He replied with 'ABCDEFGHIJK'. 'What does that mean?' she asks. 'Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous and hot' he says. 'Aww, thank you. But what about IJK?' she asks. 'I'm just kidding" he replies" she's literally on the floor laughing her head off, while me and Valderrama dude look at each other, with an amused expression on our faces.

"She's so cute" I chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't even know where she gets those jokes from"

"Well, I knew most of them, already. But she's just adorable. I love how she finds them so funny. Her laugh is funnier then the joke"

"Yeah, I know" he laughs.

"Hey" Chloe enters.

"Hi" I smile at her.

"You ready?"


"Yay, I waited for you" Julia girl stands up from the floor and smiles at Chloe.

"Okay. Let's start" Chloe drops her bag next to mine and pulls me up.

"Let's do it in here. There's enough space" I say, not wanting to risk being outside when someone comes in.

"Okay. Julia, you're gonna be the judge, okay?"

"Yeah!" she jumps in excitement.

"Left, right, left" we both start and we step along to the routine.
I can feel Valderrama dude watching us from behind, while I try my hardest not to mess this up.

"Do it again. You have to keep on going, till I tell you to stop" Julia girl says, as we finish without messing up.

"This is gonna take forever" I groan, as we're starting on our fourth time.

"You can also just give up and then I'm the winner, like I knew I would be" Chloe teases.

"I'm not giving up. I'm gonna win this" my competitive side comes up.

"Sure" she snorts.

"Left, right left. I had a job and I left" Julia girl sing with us, helping me keep on track better.
I'm not gonna say that, though, cause they'll say I'm cheating.

"There, you did it wrong" Julia girl jumps up and points at Chloe, as we're in the middle of our ninth round.

"Win" I trow my hands up and stick my tongue out to Chloe, while she starts fake pouting.

"Now, you have to go against Wilmer" Julia girl says.

"Uhh, I don't think so" we both say, at the same time.

"You're so meant to be" Chloe rolls her eyes in annoyance that we don't see it ourselves.

"Shut up" I mumble, as I make my way back to the desk.
I'm not meant to be with him.
Yeah, he's attractive and he's kinda nice, but I'm not gonna date him, right?

Next update: Thursday

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

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