Chapter 1: The Sound

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It's so interesting to realize what can capture your gaze. Sometimes it's the bright lights from hundreds of cameras, all fighting to get the best angle. Other times it's a small leaf floating away, lifting up toward the clouds.
In this moment, it was the freckle above her mouth. I stared at it, willing my eyes from travel curve of her Cupid's bow, down to the soft skin of her lips. The will wasn't strong enough though. My gaze outlined every feature of her face.

God, she is so beautiful. I quickly cursed everyone who had ever told her differently in her life. My upset feeling must have translated to my demeanor because her eyes traveled to my own, expressing concern for me.

Though it was a bit late to do so, I tried to save face, tightening the curve of my lips.

"Taraji, baby are you alright?"

Her voice, like liquid. Warm, smooth, and it drizzled past the hairs on my neck that suddenly stood up, dripping softly into my ears. I could simply listen to her forever. But for now, she expected a response.

"Of course, Tasia. I'm better than ever, my love", I made sure to further stretch my smile, crinkling my nose at her. I wasn't sure if she was convinced. Truthfully, I was fine. Just deep in thought.

She giggled at my antics. Her giggle is so cute. Each time she blesses everyone around her with it, I wish for nothing more but to steal it from her. Put my lips against hers, until her giggle ceases.

Tongue between her teeth, she replies, "If you're sure, T. I love you, alright?"

She reaches toward my hand. I waste no time lacing our fingers.

"I love you too, girl."

I remembered where we were after hearing shuffling in the hallway. Microphones being set up, chairs being slid across the floor, interviewers practicing questions. Right, back to reality. Back to the dressing room I sat in. Back to the cotton sofa I rested on, directly across from Fantasia. In New York for a press tour. With one hand still occupied my Fantasia's fingers, I ran my other hand across the softness of the couch. I wondered what I was doing here. God knows I love acting, but it didn't feel too worth it anymore. I love being able to give life to a character created, escape my own reality for hours, building up a life for whomever's name I claim at the time being. But, was it really what I wanted anymore?

My eyes shift back to Fantasia, admiring the height of her cheekbones, the sweet curve of her nose, and the depth of her pupils.

Was I really sure about anything I wanted anymore?

Tasia scoots closer to me, her body fitting snuggly into mine. Ever since meeting, and filming, we've had the chance to become the best of friends. I loved her so deeply. She is so sweet, intelligent, and of course, beautiful. I reminded her every chance I got.

"You're so beautiful." I reminded her again.

Though not loud, a familiar sound ripples through the air once again. It took everything in me not to kiss it into a sweet silence.

"T, you love telling me that. At least twenty times a day. I thank you for it actually." Her lips find their way to my cheek, bursting my skin with warmth.

"You deserve to be told even more. You're the most adorable human ever." I took her chin in my hand, gently rubbing her skin.

Her eyes bore into mine. As if she were looking for something, anything. Feeling assessed—and all of a sudden genuinely perceived—I closed my eyes, sighing.

A moment later, I felt the light pad of fingertips on my eyelid, lifting up to expose my eyes. Once my eyes are finally open again, in my view is Tasia once again. She looks so focused on getting my eyes open.

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