Chapter 29: Cry For You

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*Taraji's POV*

As soon as I rushed out, I regretted it. Why the fuck do I have to be so difficult all the time? All I had to do was hug her, change into some pajamas, and lay with her.

That's all I had to do, and we could've been together right now.

But no, I had to let my anger and own insecurity fuck things up. Each time she mentioned Michael
, I think about what he told me that day he came to the house. When he told me she'd never love me the way she had loved him. When nothing I did would ever match up to what he could've done for her.

I didn't believe it, or I tried to convince myself I didn't believe it. But here I was, messing up with her. That nigga might have been right.

Tears blurred my vision as I kept walking away from the villa. I didn't know where I was going, nor could I see, but I could hear my scenery changing.
It went from the intensity of my own tears to the bustling sounds of the city. I heard people trying to speak loudly over traffic, small cars and mopeds dashing through the streets. I stood for a second, clearing my eyes before taking a deep breath.

Once I could see properly, I waved down a little taxi, not caring where he would take me. Before I got in, I heard yelling. From the distance I heard someone calling my name, a voice so distinct.
Danielle was running me down.
I did not feel like talking to her right now. I knew she would get into therapist mode, trying to fix everything for me. But I didn't want to be fixed right now. I was exhausted and wanted to take a break from thinking for a while.

I hurriedly hopped in the taxi, throwing money at the driver.

"Where to, ma'am?"

I peek out the window, witnessing Dani get closer.

"Taraji, you'd better not!"

"Anywhere is fine, just please go!" I begged the driver. I clicked the door lock multiple times, afraid Danielle was going to get a hold on the door. As soon as her palm touched the metal of the car, the driver finally sped off.
I turned to look out the rear window, seeing her standing in the dust tapping her foot angrily.

Oh she was definitely going to beat my ass as soon as she saw me next. Now there were two reasons I was afraid to go back to that villa.

A couple hours later, I sat at a random bar, on my third drink. I don't even know what I was drinking honestly, the bar tender was only speaking Italian. All I knew was that it was a pretty color, and burned like hell. That's all I needed, as long as it was doing it's job.

The only reason I wanted to go out in the first place was to talk to Dani. I know we'd just proposed to each other but I wanted to get a chance to marry Tasia here, in Italy. I wanted to gush to Dani all about it, then come right home to my Fantasia.
But instead, I mess things up. I don't word things right, and I hurt the one person I love the most. I wish I was different, and I wish I were better. I needed another drink.

Colorful lights flashed all around me, unrecognizable figures passing by at a steady rate. European clubs were always packed, and let me tell you —they loved a good place to dance. The music was loud, and so was the crowd, the perfect place for me to not think at all.
People brushed by, either trying to hit the dance floor, or get a drink like me. I was getting used to the slight contact of strangers, until one grabbed ahold on me. It was intentional.

I brushed their hand off, immediately irked. They put it back a few seconds later, squeezing my shoulder painfully.

"Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Fuck. Dani. She found me.

"Dani, I already know you're angry. I just didn't want to talk."

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