The Technocrat (Part 2)

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An Unexpected Ally

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An Unexpected Ally

Batgirl crept through the shadows of Gotham's labyrinthine alleyways, stealthily approaching the coordinates she traced back from the Riddler’s satellite transmission. Anxious thoughts gnawed at her during the journey - was she already too late to stop whatever digital nightmare Elliott and his new partner were conspiring? Could she really face two brilliant criminal masterminds alone? Lingering self-doubts from her personal history with Elliott threatened to shake her usual unwavering poise. She needed backup, but feared involving Batman after her previous lapse in judgment.

As the Riddler’s hideout came into view, a flicker of movement from a fire escape above caught Batgirl’s eye. In a blur, a lithe female figure leaped down, planting herself firmly between Batgirl and the building entrance. 

“Hold it right there!” the mystery woman commanded. “I saw them first - the Riddler and Technocrat are mine!” Decked out in sleek tactical gear with an avian-styled mask and wings stenciled on her chest insignia, she cut an imposing figure despite her diminutive stature.

Batgirl tensed, preparing to counterattack before realizing this aggressive newcomer had no hostile intent...yet. She held up her hands peaceably. 

“Who are you? I don’t want to fight, but I need to stop those criminals before they dismantle Gotham’s entire infrastructure.”

The woman relaxed slightly. “Call me Nightingale. And I have no quarrel with you either - it’s that wretch Joker I want. His latest scheme lured me here all the way from Blüdhaven. But I can’t allow anyone to compromise my mission, not even Batgirl!”

Batgirl assessed the young woman - clearly skilled, but reckless and motivated by personal vengeance if she had tracked Joker alone this far. Still, an extra partner couldn’t hurt against the Technocrat and Riddler...

“How about we take them down, then see if our missions intersect from there?” Batgirl proposed, extending a hand. Nightingale clasped it firmly.

“Deal. Now let’s end this before that digital sorcerer buries us all!”

Hacking the Hideout

Batgirl kicked down the unlocked door - clearly the villains wanted their presence detected. She led the way as Nightingale followed watchfully through the ominously quiet lair, passing an assortment of puzzling traps and trick walls no doubt designed to frustrate intruders. Batgirl bypassed them easily via a ventilation duct - Elliott’s modifications had left obvious digital fingerprints.

Finally reaching the central control room, Batgirl felt her chest tighten seeing the Technocrat and Riddler silhouetted against a vast bank of displays. This confrontation would severely test her composure and skills. Beside her, Nightingale bristled with electricity, staff at the ready.

“Welcome ladies, we’ve been expecting you!” Riddler crowed theatrically while Elliott aimed a cold smile through his mask. “My coded invitations drew you straight to our headquarters full of state-of-the-art defenses and augmented fighters just awaiting my signal to attack!”

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