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IceMoon's POV

I opened my eyes only to be surrounded by darkness. I felt my talon on something which felt like a hard shell.

I then started to hear voices.

"Why are we even doing this?" A voice which sounded like a male voice growled. "Because Artic, we normally let our eggs hatch under the moons." A voice which sounded like a female explained.

"Why near a cliff! They could fall, Foeslayer!" The male voice who is named Artic snarled. "We normally bury them in the snow."

"Do they can freeze to death when they hatch!" The female voice who was named Foeslayer snapped. " Besides, I bet your mother would be so happy to see them!" Foeslayer said sarcastically.

Then some flashes of stuff started to happen.

Three moons shining, two dragons arguing, blue and red blood splattering everywhere.

These two are arguing. So, maybe there the ones arguing now.

I touched my talons on the hard shell again. I must come out. To stop this.

I jabbed my claws into the shell hearing cracks. I then jabbed more holes onto for me to see light. Then more light came as I fell onto a hard surface.

I moved my head around to see another little black dragon looking at me.

Then I saw black with tints of green talons grab him. I look up to see a big black with slight green dragon with a light blue diamond earring.

That must be Foeslayer

I look at my talons to see one of them glowing. I look at it more. When I felt big talons on my body.

I was carried only to see a white with a hint of blue on his scales looking at me with his cold blue eyes.

That must be Artic.

"Hello Darkstalker, welcome to the world." Foeslayer slightly whispered. "Darkstalker?" Artic repeated. "That's the most creepiest name I've ever heard."

"He stalks the night." Foeslayer added. Artic eyerolled. Foeslayer scrunched up her snout a little. "Well then what are you going to name that little dragonet?" Foeslayer said gesturing towards me.

Artic glanced at me for a second. "IceMoon. A much less creepier name then Darkstalker." Artic said glaring at the tiny black dragonet.

I turned my head and saw another egg which was dark blue.

"Why hasn't this one hatched yet?" Artic asked. "Not sure." Foeslayer answered.

Then the egg started to hatch, but it was a slow process. When the egg hatched a dark blue dragonet was revealed with big cyan eyes and her wings were white with black stars.

"Whiteout." Artic said picking up Whiteout.

"I still don't recall you naming that dragon Darkstalker. Besides, he looks nothing like an Icewing! These two do!" Artic noticed.

"There is nothing wrong with him!" Foeslayer roared. "He's perfect just the way he is."

Darkstalker then looked towards me then Whiteout with his cyan eyes.

"Yeah you have fun with your little Darkstalker." Artic eyerolled.

These dragons show madness, but wouldn't that mean that I do to?

I then sneezed out a bit of fire and hit Whiteout with it accidentally. Whiteout started to form tears in her eyes and started to cry. Artic looked at us confused.

"Why is this one making such an ear piercing noise?" Artic growled. "She's crying Artic. Something's wrong." Foeslayer said.

Artic put me down harshly. Then looked at me in disgust.

"This one was probably trying to kill the other one." Artic said. "No! That's not true! They just hatched! Why would they start murdering each other?" Foeslayer accused. "I can tell she's up to no good." Artic muttered glaring at me.

"Let's just head back." Foeslayer said grabbing me then flying off as I heard distant wing beats follow.

I look at Darkstalker and his cyan eyes.

Maybe I am destined to be a monster.

Sorry for the short chapter. I just didn't know what else to put, and I tried extending it more so it's not two pages long.

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