ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

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• imessage •

evelyn maree

i just saw ur story where r
u going xx

im just going clubbing with syd
and her group

Omg id love to goooo
where u going?

just to *club* im pretty

Idk why I wasn't invited anyways
kind of bitchy but wtv xx
I'll go tonight x

it's just kind of casual not rlly
ill see u soon 🙃

Yepp love u x ☺️

• real life •

The girl holds up the dress she picked out to go to the club for drinks with the Euphoria cast up eagerly waiting for approval from her two best friends .

"Yes" Sabrina nods at the dress "This is perfect" she finishes , to which Addison nods in agreement .

"Okay good let's get ready now then" Mayve says as she connects her phone to the speaker and starts playing the girls joint playlist .

They all walk out to the closet to look at themselves in the full length mirror "We look hot" Addison says fixing up her dress .

Mayve takes a sip of her drink "Fuck yeah we do" she adds as Sabrina takes out her phone and snaps a mirror selfie of the trio . "I just remembered what Jacob said today"

"Just try and ignore it but if he keeps it going you know who to call over" Sabrina says rubbing her friends shoulders supportingly .

The Uber pulls up to the building and the girls all get into the car giggling and stumbling maybe having a bit too much whilst pregaming .

The girls sing along to Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado as the Uber takes them to the club that Sydney had sent to Mayve earlier that day .

Addison pulls out her phone and starts filming Mayve dancing and flipping her hair around whilst singing to the song before posting it to her story . "The editors are going to have a field day with this one" she says earning laughs from the other two girls .

"Thank you!" The girls say in unison hoping out of the Uber onto the path and making their way to the club with their arms intertwined for balance .

Mayve feels someone tug at her shoulder making her turn around "I'm sorry to bother you guys but I love you can I please have a photo with you girls" the girls says frantically .

"Ofcourse" the girls cheer taking the photo and then walking into the club .

The vibrations from the music could be felt all around the area as the girls made their way to the bar to order shots before they made their way to the table which they saw the cast standing at .

"Hey girls!" Sydney says before introducing everyone to each other and as everyone was already drinking there was lots of hugging and some small talk .

ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜᴏᴜꜱᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ, jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now