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• real life •

A knock was heard at Mayve's door and she went over confused of who it could be . She swung the door open to a random man standing there . "Hi?" Mayve said to him confused as he handed over flowers .

"These are for you ." He stated .

She readjusted the flowers to be able to see him "Thank you ." She said as he nodded walking off and she made her way inside .

As she struggled closed the door behind her she walked over to the kitchen bench placing the flowers down searching them in hope to find a note to figure out who had sent them .

Once she had found the note she opened it, it read  'congrats on twenties mayve you are more talented than you will ever know - j' She smiled at the note reaching for her phone to message him .

• imessage •

jacob elordi

thank u sm for the
flowers they r so beautiful

you are so welcome
just listened and it is
such a well written record !!

thank u again

anytime ❤️

• real life •

She had turned her phone notifications off which she would reply to later to be able to take in everything that was happening .

So what did she decide to do, watch Pretty Little Liars in bed and eat the cookies that Addison and Sabrina had made her for today .

After watching a few episodes she got up and started to play her new album of course .

Mayve smiled as her speakers blasted her brand new album 'twenties' throughout her apartment whilst getting ready for a celebratory lunch with her assistant Jessica .

She finished her hair and makeup slipping on a comfortable outfit and headed down and began walking to where they were booked in .

ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜᴏᴜꜱᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ, jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now