ᴘᴀʀᴛ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ

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• real life •
*a week later*

When Mayve steps onto the set of Euphoria she is taken aback by the lights, cameras, props and commotion everywhere this was very chaotic compared the other sets she had been on .

Lots of peoples had come up and talked to her saying how much they admired her work which started to overwhelm her but she stayed calm .

They didn't have nearly as much people everywhere else she'd worked but because they were shooting some of the New Years party today there was so many .

Suddenly the girl was approached by the director who had a welcoming smile across her face . "Mayve, we're thrilled to have you here today" she said shaking her hand .

"Thrilled to be here" she said to her excitedly . She was then led to hair and makeup where she would get transformed into her character Clarissa .

"Heyyy!" The man said as he saw her walk in the door bringing her into a hug .

"I'm Chris I'll be doing both your hair and makeup for the whole season" he said pulling out of the hug .

She smiled widely at him feeling the nerves slipping away "It's nice to meet you I'm Mayve" she said making her way over to the chair setting her stuff down on the table .

"Bitch I know who you are" he said laughing and she joined in .

After finishing the hair which was a big blowout he started on the makeup giving her nonstop compliments . "So what's the tea any men on your radar" he said swiping foundation onto her face .

"Not really , what about you?" she asked and he went off about this guy that won't ask him to be his boyfriend .

There was a knock on the door and a women came in and she was handed an outfit for the day which was a leopard print mini dress . After the makeup was finished she got changed and headed off the party set continuing to pull her extremely short dress down .

As everyone was set into place and everything was set up Mayve was taken to the front door where Angus was as their characters were going to be walking in together

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As everyone was set into place and everything was set up Mayve was taken to the front door where Angus was as their characters were going to be walking in together .

Someone did a few touch ups to Mayve's makeup and hair as she had a lot of thoughts going through her head she really didn't want to mess up the take . She took a few deep breaths in and out .

"Hey don't stress" Angus said reassuring the girl as he could probably tell she was overthinking this simple scene .

"Action" was shouted out and the set erupted into chatter as the camera followed the two of them walking in as he handed her a drink . All the extras started staring at her as in the show Clarissa was new to town and this was her first day there . She ignored the stairs and followed Angus to the couch .

"Cut" the director yelled . "Well done everybody" she smiled . The director made adjustments and the scene was filmed again so they could get the perfect shot for the show .

Angus and Mayve got to stay and have a break on the couch whilst other scenes were being filmed until it was their turn again which was soon . "So how you liking it?" He turns and asks her she smiled as she noticed how truly similar he is to Fez .

"I'm loving it I'm excited to work with you this season ." She turns to him saying .

"Yeah it's chill ." He replies smiling back . They speak a bit more until they had to get back into it a bit after .

Once the rest of her scenes were filmed on the schedule today she was told she could go home .

She smiled on the way out to her car as today was everything she had hoped for and more . She got to film a bit with Maude which was nice as she had already become friends with her after the drinks at the club .


the grils 🌟🌶️🍆🥂🥹

sooo how was it ?!

so grateful

aw yayy

ma blondi
did u run into what's his
face xxx

no we didn't have any scenes
together today thank god

ma blondi
wait til u have to fuck him

Now thatll be fun

trying not to think abt
it thanks

• real life •

When she got home she ordered Uber Eats McDonald's as a reward and continued watching where she was up to on Pretty Little Liars .

She started replying to all the messages on her phone from her friends because she hadn't had a chance too because of how busy she's been .

Mayve put her phone down and continued to watch the show but ofcourse the sound of it ringing interrupted her peace . She flipped the phone over and to her surprise it was Nick her ex boyfriend that cheated on her many times .

She sighed and ignored the call , it was almost midnight so she knew that he would just be drunk right now wanting her to come over .

He  kept calling her again and again before she finally decided it was time to block his number . She went onto his profile and hovered her finger over the block button before deciding to do it then going on to her social media's and doing the same .

She flicked her phone off placing it beside her leaning back into the couch taking a deep breath of relief and continuing to enjoy her McDonald's and show .

Authors note: Eeeeeeee she's on set yayyyy

Don't forget to vote and comment thank you all love you !!!!

ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜᴏᴜꜱᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ, jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now