ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜɪʀᴛᴇᴇɴ . 2

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• real life •

Footsteps made their way to the bathroom "Mayve?" Jacob's voice whispers out .

"What do you want asshole?" She says .

"Can you just stop being a baby and come out of the bathroom so we can sort this out please?" He asks her

"Hm let me think.." she says taking a pause and pretending to think "No and fuck you" she replies .

She hears him take a deep breath "Okay I'm sorry just come out here so we can handle this like adults okay we need to do this for the show because we can't keep going on like this ." After he says that there is a silence .

He hears her as she gets up and makes her way to the door where she opens it slightly just enough to see his face .

She stares at him a second longer before opening the door more and making her way out pushing past him and heading to the bed sitting down at the bed frame hugging her legs .

Jacob made his way over and sat at the end of the bed facing her and they sat there for a second in silence .

She decides she is going to take a straight up approach to this conversation and not waste any time arguing with him ."Do you just think of me as some slut?" She asks him seriously .

"What would make you think that?" He asks her .

"When I first came and spoke to the producer about my song" she says taking a pause . "I was walking to the office and I heard people talking about me so I listened in" again she pauses looking up at him .

"Jacob I heard you say how I'm an unprofessional who gets around and isn't even all that and there could've been more but I left before I could hear more"

She stops and keeps eye contact with him . "And that's why I ignored you at the club and have been making all these comments about you because I felt hurt by what you said , now saying it out loud I realise I should've spoken to you about it first ."

He looks down and she feels a sense of shock as she could see guilt on his face and a sense of relief after getting that off her chest .

"Look Mayve" he says readjusting himself and pausing not knowing how to word what he was trying to say . "Mayve I'm really sorry I said that" he admits his voice filled with regret as she looks up and meets his eyes .

"Well I'm not exactly innocent" she says .

"But if I hadn't of said that none of this would've happened ." He says looking down . "I should've told you what I had been told and shut the rumours down not hold them against you ."

"But we didn't even know each other it's not really the best first conversation for you to come up to me and say Hey do you get around" she says as they both start laughing .

Once she stops laughing she continues . "If I had've just talked to you about it instead of being immature none of this would've happened"

He looks back up to her "Don't take the blame it's my fault"

"Yeah it is ." She says and the two fall into silence until Mayve starts laughing again and Jacob joins in . "Can I ask you why you said it like what made you think that about me?"

"Well I got a dm from a girl I saw was close friends with you saying how unprofessional you are and how you just sleep with your costars to get more fame" he shuffles around awkwardly "Looking back at it now I probably shouldn't have just believed it straight away"

Mayve feels shocked . A close friend? "Who was it?" She asks him concerned .

"Uh" he says thinking back . "Emily I think it was" she looks at him confuesed not being friends with an Emily . "Wait no it was an Evelyn, Evelyn Maree"

She feels her heart sink into her stomach . Of course it was Evelyn , Mayve had been told by her friends that Evelyn was bad news but she didn't actually think she was capable of doing something this bad to her .

Her mind starts racing thinking about what other things she has said behind her back and how she could do this to her after being friends for so long .

She didn't want to seem like a sook so she fought back the tears . "Wow okay" she says tucking her hair behind her ears .

All she feels is stupid because of how many seperate times she was warned about Evelyn but no matter what they said she still chose to try and see the best in her .

This time however there was no reasoning with what she had done . Mayve understands that if Evelyn was a true friend she would never say those horrible things about her and try to sabotage her career .

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he says reaching his hand over to her . She smiles up at the unfamiliar gesture .

Jacob felt a little shocked himself at how quickly their relationship did a full flip .

The silence between them is broken by Mayve looking over to the clock that was sitting on the bedside table and saw the time that read 11:38pm . "It's really late" she says hoping off the bed .

The two shower and get into their pjs . Jacob grabbed a blanket from the closet and a pillow from the bed . Mayve looked at him confused before she realised he was getting ready to sleep on the floor .

"Jacob you don't have to do that" she says feeling sorry for the man as it looked very uncomfortable .

He laid out the blanket on the floor "No it's fine I don't want it to be weird" he says looking over at her sitting down on his new 'bed' .

"It's not weird besides I saw about 10 roaches crawl across the floor tonight I don't think you'd want to-" after she said that he immediately jumped up earning a big laugh from the girl .

"On second thought" he said hopping up onto the bed . He opened the covers and tucked himself in .

The two laid there beside each other as silence filled the room . "Hey , I know we're not friends or anything but I just wanted to say I'm here for you if ever need to talk , what Evelyn has been doing" he pauses "It would be very hard for you" he finishes .

"Thank you Jacob" she says .

"I'm sorry but I just find it a little funny how fast that was resolved like all of this arguing fixed in one night ." They both start laughing at how dumb they had been .

Mayve slowly stops her laughter "We were such children ."

"Well maybe you were a child but I was a conceited dick remember?" He smiled before yawning as Mayve kicked him in the leg "Ow" Jacob says rubbing his leg .

"What do you mean was you still are" she laughed now yawning as well . "Night Jacob" Mayve says turning over .

"Good night" he says turning the other way and they both fell asleep feeling a little lighter that night .

Authors note: Finally they sorted their shit out and actually communicated !!! Now was that so hard guys .

Ofc I saved my favourite part of the story so far for part 13 because of Taylor Swift if you know you know !

Remember to vote and comment !! 🩷🩷🩷🪽

ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜᴏᴜꜱᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ, jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now