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*if I have stuffed anything up or anything sounds weird pls comment and ill edit it's so late im going crazyyyy*

• real life •

The sunlight beaming through Mayve's window woke her up .

She shuffled up against her bed frame rubbing her eyes and then her head which was spinning .

A smile crept over her lips realising what had happened between her and Jacob so she removed her hands from her eyes and looked over beside her .

But there was no one there .

Jacob was no where to be seen . She looked around confused checking her phone which had no messages before getting up and looking around realised he had left .

She hoped that he had just had something really important, had to leave fast and forgot to message but of course he mind went elsewhere .

She fell onto her couch stunned and feeling used . 'Is that all he wanted' she thought to herself shaking her head at how stupid she could be .

She went back to her room and got on her phone and FaceTimed 'the grils 🥹🌟🌶️🍆🥂' groupchat and Addison and Sabrina picked up almost immediately.

"Hey!" Addison sang before noticing the saddened look on her best friend's face . "Oh my gosh what happened?" Addison asked her

"Last night Jacob came back to my house and well.." she started . "We slept together and this morning I wake up and he's gone no message no nothing ." She continued .

"I just feel used like now that he's gotten what he wanted he's gone ." She finished up.

Sabrina spoke up . "Okay as pissed as I am I think you should message him first who knows maybe he had a reason to leave we shouldn't jump to conclusions ."

"Okay I'll message him it's just after everything Nick put me through.." she stopped

"No totally your feelings are so valid but just check first okay?" Addison said agreeing with Sabrina .

Mayve nodded . "Yeah okay I see now I'm probably overreacting ."

"No you aren't we get why you would think that way but Jacob doesn't seem like Nick so give him a message okay?" Mayve nodded and they all said goodbye ending the call .

She messaged Jacob 'hey is everything okay i saw u left' and no response but the message was read . She scoffed turning off her phone and trying to take her mind off that .

Mayve decided to go out to get herself some breakfast to cheer herself up .

As she walked down the path she felt herself loosen up more as she listened to the calming sounds that surrounded her .

Once she had made it to her local cafe she walked in and got herself a table sitting down by herself .

She brought 'The Midnight Library' the book that she was currently reading to keep her company and off her phone .

She quietly looked through the menu . "Mayve?" She heard a voice call and she quickly looked up to see a familiar face .

"Milo!" She exclaimed jumping up from her seat and walking over to hug him . "What are you doing here?" She asked him .

ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜᴏᴜꜱᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ, jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now