ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏᴏɴᴇ

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• real life •

Like what they had done before Euphoria started filming the cast decided to again go out clubbing together tonight as they wrapped their filming yesterday .

Now that Jacob and Mayve were finally on good terms it wouldn't be bad like last time .

The girl got ready already starting her drinks on FaceTime with Sabrina and Addison as they weren't going to come out tonight because they were busy but they still needed her to do a fashion show .

"That is killer for your boobs ." Sabrina said gasping at the dress which did put them on display .

"Yeah I agree but are you comfortable?" Addison asked her .

She spun around in the dress and did a couple of dance moves to test it out . "You know sometimes beauty is pain and tonight I'm hoping to go home with someone ." she says giggling .

"Yep and that's the perfect outfit for that ." Sabrina said joining in the laughter .

"Okay bye girls I need to head off now" Addison says kissing the phone as the girls wave and Addison hangs up the FaceTime .

"So how are you coping with the whole Evelyn situation?" Sabrina says checking up on her friend who felt so obviously betrayed .

"You can say I told you so" Mayve says smiling at the girl who tried to tell her that she wasn't good for her .

Sabrina shakes her head "I'm not going to shame you because you are a sweet and trusting girl May" she replies knowing that this was more serious to Mayve than she was letting on .

Obviously Evelyn had done small things in the past that hurt the girl but she ignored them because they had been best friends for so long but there's only so much a person can deal with and this was enough for her .

"Look it's fine I'm just going to drink away my problems tonight and besides I'm doing better now with 'twenties' out and being surrounded by people who actually care for me" she says clinking her glass up to the IPhone .

"That's my girl" Sabrina claps "Anyways I'm going to go now but go catch yourself dick for me please ." She said before hanging up .

The girl took in her appearance in her full length mirror with 'Blah Blah Blah' by Kesha playing in the background .

She did her makeup and hair singing along to her playlist when Renee Rapp called her someone that the girl had been obsessed with .

"Um hey babe ." Mayve said shocked answering the phone .

"I heard you're going to the same club I'm going to tonight so when am I coming over?" She said .

"Now , I'll send my address I just picked out my outfit so head over ." She said .

"Okay this is so funny I'm coming now already kinda ready but wouldn't mind some pres ." She replied .

"No I'm so easy this is so random ." She says laughing at this unexpected situation .

15 minutes later there was a knock at her door and she went and answered it being almost knocked over by a hug .

ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜᴏᴜꜱᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ, jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now