Part 5

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I'm doing this

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I'm doing this. I'm doing this. I said to myself as I got into my old pickup. I hope Jax understands. I've been working on this for years. Drawing and painting are my life. If Jax can't understand that then I was right to leave. I mean he did say if I left that we couldn't be together. Well, regardless I'm still glad I know he loves me too. When I finally made it to Stockton, I got to the Greyhound station got my ticket, and left the truck. I texted Opie and told him where to get it. After texting Opie, I turned my phone off. Everyone is going to be pissed at me. I'm just not much for goodbyes. I haven't been since Jt and Tommy passed. Once I boarded the bus, I pulled out my iPod and headphones. This was going to be a long trip 6 hours and 5 stops later I finally arrived. I decided not to turn my phone on until I made it so they couldn't talk me into turning around and coming home. I got settled into my apartment and got my orientation packet. There's no turning back now. When I got back to my new apartment, I turned my phone on. I had 36 missed calls from Opie,53 from Mari, over a hundred from Gemma, 75 from Happy, and one from Jax. Just one. I think that hurts the most. Not two minutes after turning my phone on Gemma called again. I decided to answer it.

"Hey, Gemma."

"Stella Rose Crow. Where are you?"

"I told you I was going away to school. I just lied about the day."

"I'm extremely disappointed in you. The guys have been going crazy they thought something happened to you. Call Jax and tell him you're ok."

"Why it's not like he cares. I'll call Opie. But I have to go I have to check in and get my class schedule. I'll call and check in later bye Gemma" I said as I hung up.

I texted Opie to let him know I was ok. Almost immediately he tried calling me. I ignored his call. Not five minutes later Mari tried calling. I didn't want to talk on the phone and be yelled at again. Jax can kiss my ass for all I care. I never want to hear that name again. Three days after I turned my phone on Opie and Juice showed up with the rest of my stuff. I promised them I would give weekly texts out to let them know that I was okay. Three months into my stay I realized that I still hadn't started my period. I made an appointment with the doctor to get checked out. The day of my appointment Jax finally called again. I ignored him right away. That is until I got the text from Mari. She told me that Jax started dating a girl named Wendy. I walked into the Doctor's office and signed in. Five minutes later I was put in a room after peeing in a cup.

"Ms. Crow I understand you came in for a pregnancy test." The Doctor asked.

"Yes, I missed a few periods. I'm not sure how many."

"Well, the urinalysis came back positive. Let's do an ultrasound and have a look-see. Well, I guess a double congratulation is in order. You're expecting twins. By their size, I'd say that you are about 4 months pregnant."

He printed off the pictures and I left with my prescription. I filled them and ran back to my apartment. I lay in bed and cried. Great, maybe I shouldn't have left. Jax wouldn't be with someone else. I just turned 22 I've been in the school of my dreams for three months and now I'm pregnant. I'm going to be a mother and I have no family here with me. I'm all alone. What am I going to do? I know I'm not having an abortion. I could never forgive myself.

The weeks turned into months and I began to show more and more. I stopped taking calls from anyone in Charming. I didn't want anyone to figure out I was pregnant. I ended up dropping my classes. I found a job as a waitress not far from my apartment. Well, I'm going to have to find a car now. On my way home, I noticed Opie's truck in front of my apartment building. Fuck this can't be happening. If Opie's here that means someone else came with him. So, I can't swear him to secrecy. Not like he would keep this from Jax anyway. He can kiss my ass I'm not moving home. I'll be damned if another woman is going to raise my children.


"Omg Mari, Donna I missed you guys so much. Oh my God Mari you're pregnant don't tell me it's Juice's."

"Don't Oh my God your Pregnant me. Look at you and Yes Juice is the father." Mari replied

"Who's the dad? Did you meet a hottie out here?" Donna asked

"Yeah I'm 8 months pregnant and no I haven't dated out here."

"Wait 8 months. You've been gone for eight months." Mari interrupted

"Stel please tell me that you didn't. Oh my god please tell me they are not Jax's." Donna stated

"I can't. We only did it once the night I left. He told me he loved me and wanted to be with me. Then told me if I came out here to school it was over."

"No!" Donna replied

"This is fucked up." Mari said


"We came to tell you before someone else did." Donna said sadly

"Tell me what?"

"Jax married Wendy yesterday. "Mari blurted out.

"No. No, he didn't your lying. Guy's please tell me it's a lie." I said as I fell to the ground and started crying.

"Stel I think your water just broke." Donna said leading me to the truck.

"I thought you said you were only 8 months." Mari said scared

"I am. But the thing is I'm pregnant with twins."

"We need to get you to the hospital. Like now." Mari replied panicking

"I gotta call Opie." Donna said driving down the road.

"No. No calling Opie. Promise me. I don't want Jackson to know. He can have his family with Wendy. He will never know these kids are his. I never wanna hear the name Jackson Teller again." I said between breaths.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Donna said looking at the speedometer

When we pulled up to the hospital Donna jumped out of the truck and ran inside to get help. This was starting to hurt. Oh my god. This is really happening. I'm about to give birth, to not one but two babies. At least Donna and Mari are here. Two nurses came out to help me into a wheelchair.

"Guys please don't leave me. Please. I need you two."

"I'm not going anywhere." Mari said

"I'll just call Opie and tell him you were torn up about the Jax news and we're going to stay a few days.." Donna said before she left to park the truck.

"No more saying that name. His will now be referred to as he who must not be named."

"Really that's the best you can come up with. "Donna replied walking up.

"A Harry Potter reference are you sirius? "Mari said with a laugh.

"Guy's I'm in labor with he who must not be named's kids right now I didn't have time to think. All I can think about is the pain." I said as I sat on the hospital bed.

"Hello, Ms. Crow. My name is Dr. Larson. I hear your water broke. Our records say you're pregnant with twins and that you've missed your last couple of appointments."

"I got really busy with work and I forgot. I'm sorry."

"Let's see how far dilated you are... It looks like you're only 5 centimeters. How long ago did your water break?" He asked.

"About forty-five minutes ago.."

"It tends to go fast at first then slows down. Are you ready for an epidural?" He asked after the nurse finished hooking me up.

"Yes, please. It hurts really bad."

Dr. Larson left the room not five minutes later he came running in, and then one of my monitors started beeping.

"What's going on?"

"One of the babies is in distress. There's no time for an epidural. We have to do an emergency c-section."

They put a mask on my face, and I drifted off to sleep.

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