Chapter 9

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Author's Note: I keep on forgetting how to spell pterodactyl so I had to write it on my wrist XD. Now I'd like to dedicate this chapter to a few people:
imagispherean who's Jurassic World fanfic is awesome and who's name is also Katrina. Same as mine :) which I think is pretty cool.
@vexomega, @hazzasbabe0420 and @Saiskittles who are all my very best friends and who have helped me write this story and have been there with full support for me. Of course I didn't forget all of you my readers! I would put all your names in here but then that would take half the chapter but this chapter is for all of you! Lots of love to you all! Also I was thinking of doing a Q and A. It seems interesting so I'd like to give it a shot, plus it was my friends idea. I mean all the famous authors do it so why not give it a try. If you want out your questions in the comments and I'll respond to them.Enjoy!! :D


"Owen no!" I called after him as he took off running into the woods.

'Screw this,' I though and I ran after him.

"Owen," I still continued to call after him but he didn't listen.

"Owen Grady get your ass over here!" I yelled and finally he turned around.

"What Nicole?"

"I'm coming with you." I said looking into his eyes.

"No you aren't," he said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh yes I am."

"It's way to dangerous."

"Ha. Please, I think I can handle myself Owen."



"Becau- because I don't want to loose you." Oh my god. Did I just hear him correctly?

"Owen. You have Claire." I whisper.

"She likes me, not the other way around Nicole. Gray told me where you went after the pterodactyl attack. I wanted to go find you but Claire was to clingy." He shrugged and then smiled at me.

"Oh. But still. If you are going after her you are not doing it alone. I'm going with you." I say smiling back at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," I then kissed his cheek.

"If we die. We die together."

"I love you Nicole," Owen then leaned in and kissed me.


"What do you think we should do?" I heard Lowery's voice and wondered what he was doing here. He wasn't with me a minute ago. Owen was.

"I don't know. Maybe contact Owen?"
Vivian's voice was what I heard now.

"No don't do that. It will only make things worse." I grumble and I felt a pain on my head. Sitting up I remember what happened. Vic.

"Nicole! You're awake!" Vivian beamed happily.

"Yeah and please don't contact Owen."

"Ha ha. Whoops." Lowery said and he grinned sheepishly.

"Lowery!" I got up and looked around for my gun. I found it propped up against the wall and I grabbed it.

"Where's Michael?" Both Vivian and Lowery looked at each other and then down at their feet.

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