Chapter 13

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Author's Note: Okay! Final chapter here we go! *cries* I really didn't want this story to end that's why I'm doing the sequel. Now the sequel is 100% all of my ideas but the characters will remain the same. So I am really looking forward to writing it and I hope you all like it but right now, enjoy the final chapter! Hehehe...

*sequel will be up tomorrow or day after*


There had been a triage area set up for all those who had gotten injured. I sat next to Claire, Zach and Gray. Owen was taken somewhere else as some as we walked in. A blanket was wrapped around me the others as well.

"Nicole," Claire said and I looked over at her.


"Thank you." She smiled and looked down at the boys.

"You're welcome." I smiled back and then went back to looking around the room. I saw Vivian and Lowery, they were kissing. I felt awkward watching so I looked away. Though I felt happy for them.

"Nicole," my name was called once again but this time is wasn't Claire that called me but Gray's.

"Yeah Gray?"

"What are you going to do now?" I pulled my blanket closer around me.

"I hadn't really though about it. Maybe I'll go home." I then looked at Owen who was across the room. Blushing slightly I looked away.

"What about you and Owen?" Zach chimed in.

"I don't think it's really meant to be."

"Why? You clearly are meant to be together."

"No, I don't want to talk about this Zach." I snapped and he nodded. There was now silence between all of us. My eyes scanned the room once more and I saw Michael sitting alone. I got up and walked over to him.

"Mind if I sit?" He looked up and nodded at me. I sat down next to him.

"I got a job, got fired for trying to protect someone I cared about and then came back to see all of it disappear before my eyes." He said.

"I know, I'm sorry Michael."

"It wasn't your fault Nicole."

"It kind of was." I said and he shrugged.

"That's okay."

"Why don't you come sit with us," I offered and he nodded again and walked back over to where Claire and her nephews were. We were having small talk and that led onto Claire and I telling Zach and Gray our memories of when we first started working at the park.

"Yes!" I said and we all began laughing.

"Don't you remember that one time when Vic first started here and I took him on a tour of the place and a baby triceratops bit him as he got too close."

"No, I don't remember hearing about that!" I exclaimed.

"I tried so hard to hold back my laugher. It didn't end well though."

Well all continued laughing and telling more stories and then Gray and Zach fell asleep.

"Claire, I'm sorry." I said.

"Nicole, it's okay. I'm sorry too." Claire and I hadn't had the sunniest past but this whole previous event had brought us closer. To a point where we finally became friends.

"They seem to have the right idea." I gestured to the boys and Claire and Michael nodded in agreement.

"Definitely," Claire said.

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