Chapter 5

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Waking up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining through the thin white blinds just made Tomoe want to stay in bed. She was in her nightgown, wrapped up in the covers as her head rested against the soft, fluffy pillow which she could only dream of sleeping on. She had rested well and the only thing you could see was tuffs of her long black hair appear out from the covers.

"Mhgm..." she groaned lightly, breathing softly as she let out a content sigh. It was so nice and comfortable laying in bed. And she was warm too. Tomoe never wanted to leave her new home dubbed as her bed. She hadn't slept this much and this comfortably in a long, long time.

'I'll just sleep for another five minutes... or another hour.' Her eyelids slowly slid shut once again as she shuffled in bed, laying on her left side and curling her body slightly. 'This is the life...'

And just as she drifted into dreamland once again, she was met with the sound of fists pounding and banging against her door. Her dream seemed to shatter at the loud, disturbing noise.

"Ughhhhhh... Shut up...!" she grumbled, curling even more into a fetal position as she used the covers and pillow to try and muffle the sound.

"Tomoe!!! Wake upppppp!!!" she heard Skull shouting from the other side of the unlocked door.

Tomoe decided at this moment she would get her revenge on Skull sometime in the future for interrupting her beauty sleep.

"Shut it Lacky!" Reborn's voice echoed through the hall, following after it was a gunshot which made the girl's body jolt in response, memories from yestering following. Skull shrieked and Tomoe didn't hear him bang on the door again, thinking he had given up.

Unfortunately, she was wrong and she realized when the door flew up, the hinges squeaking as the door hit against her room's wall, not swinging back due to the hand holding it in place.

"Oi, brat. Wake up already," Reborn's voice greeted her and since she couldn't see him, she didn't notice the way his eyes moved around her room, analyzing it. "We can't eat breakfast unless you're with us."

"Your room is bigger than mine!" Skull complained from behind Reborn. "You even have your own bathroom?! Unfair!"

Lazily, Tomoe slowly shuffled from under the covers, sitting up. She turned to glare at the two who woke her up. "I'm awake now so leave," she grumbled, pushing the covers off. "And close the door on your way out."

Reborn clicked his tongue and Skull let out a whimper when the male grabbed him by the back of his collar to drag him out, slamming the door shut. Tomoe let out a long sigh, forcing herself out of bed and trudged her way to her closet, grabbing some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change and brush her teeth.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Tomoe began to change out of her nightgown. She wore a tight, long button up sleeved green shirt and blue loose fit jeans with wide legs. She put a black belt through the loops of her jeans, and wore shiny black cuffed ankle boots.

Tomoe put her long hair into a bun, brushing the uncooperative stands on hair behind her ears. The fifteen year old looked into the mirror in front of her (tired) brown eyes staring back at her. Taking in a deep breath, Tomoe's eyes darted to that dreaded birthmark on her neck before she forcefully looked away from the mirror. She adjusted the collar of her shirt, lifting up the fabric slightly to hide it.

Once she felt better about not being able to see her birthmark, Tomoe left her bathroom and closed her bedroom door behind her to head to the table where the others were waiting for her to join them to eat. The girl felt a little bad that she woke up later, making the others wait to eat because of her, but then she remembered how annoying it was when Skull and Reborn disturbed her...

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