Legion VIII: The Night Lords

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Jaune: You mentioned something about us being really terrified.
Narrator: Yep. Especially learning about this legion and their Primarch.
Marrow: We already have seen much horrors. We can handle this.
Narrator: (laughs maniacally)
Ozpin: What is funny?
Narrator: Just Marrow, saying that you all have seen the terrors of the Galaxy. We're not even done yet

??: We have come for you!

Ruby: Ah!
Whitley: Who was that?

Narrator: Most likely a Night Lord.

Summer: Who are they?
Qrow: Why are they even called Night Lords?
Narrator: Because they rule the night and will kill you. In the most ways that you don't wanna know or even be alive for. 

-Shivers. Everyone feels their spines tingling and a shadow looms over them

Jaune: I have the feeling that I'm gonna need a barf bag.

Narrator: And alot of therapy after this. 

Ren: I have a bad feeling about this. 

Vale: Narrator. If I may speak to you, in private.

-The two go into the Narrators room.

Vale: They will be learning of forbidden history. This Legion betrayed us, the High Lords would have all our heads for this.

Narrator: It's history that needs to be known. Besides, I have agents watching the High Lords and all the BS they've done.

Vale: What do you mean?
Narrator: I have my own forces, Loyal to the Emperor and his true vision. Even we decided to allie ourselves with the Aeldari, Tau and even some Necrons. The Imperium that you serve is nothing more than a Fascist Zealot society. Your Inquisition has abused its power for far too long and you all are blind to see the Imperium's suffering! It's time for something new! Don't you agree that the citizens of the Imperium deserve the truth?
Vale: But...

Narrator: But what? The madness that is all over the galaxy needs to come to an end. The Imperium is crumbling not from threats external, but from within and your organization has helped that.

-Vale is silent and starts thinking about everything. It goes against what she has been told.

Narrator: Now come. You still have alot to learn. As do they.

-They go back to the theater.

Qrow: You two kiss and make up?

Vale: (blushes) Silent you drunken fool!

Qrow: Jeez, calm down lady.

The Night Terrors
Warcry: "We have Come for you."


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