Chapter 7 - The Red Bandits

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The information obtained from the bandit led to large camp. It looked more like a small military base than a camp. They even had two guards at the entrance of the camp. They'd had over a dozen tents set up. He could see a post where the horses were tied up. Nico had to stash the bike because the forest was too dense to maneuver properly. However, horses had no trouble. Nico climbs a tree to get a better look at the camp. As the last rays of sunlight slipped away Nico observed the camp activity. He counted at least 36 bandits in the camp. A few leave as he maps out the camp mentally in his head. He jumps down equipped with his suppressed MP5K. The visibility was good thanks to little cloud coverage blocking the moon plus the flames and torches to illuminate the camp. Nico brings his gun up high ready and blitzed the two guards hitting both center mass two shots each. Nico then rolls through the entrance and puts down a roving two man patrol to his right. They fall with two the chest for each. Nico silently runs past their bodies and reaches the first tent. He makes entry and puts down one that was sleeping. He turns around and leaves checking his left and right proceeding to the campfire where about six bandits where laughing and eating. He takes out 4 before the other 2 quickly reacted. But the too are put down before they alert their buddies. He systematically takes down the entire camp. After dome checking some of his kills Nico begins checking the faces of the bandits against the poster of the bandit boss but so far none matched. But that was about to change.

"Who hell are you?!" a voice boomed from behind him.

Nico turns gun raised too see that the few who had left camp earlier had returned.

This man had a menacing aura about him. This bandit exuded experience. There were scars all up and down his muscular arms and one on the left cheek of his face. He looked like a typical bandit leader.

"Are you Gim?" Nico asked ignoring his question.

The bandit he asked takes another look around to see several lifeless bodies lying on the ground. Some had holes in them. He had observed two of his men dead at the entrance already and a couple more on the way here.

"Did you kill my men?" He too chose ignore Nico's question.

Nico shrugs "Who knows?"

"Kill him" the man orders the few men flanking him. They draw their swords and daggers and charge. The distance between them was too short. So Nico could only fire off a few shots felling one as the others close in on him. He's forced to block the attack with his gun which is wrestled away. He falls back drawing his sidearm as they swarm him. Again the distance is too short as he draws his knife engaging them in a melee. He cuts and shoots his attackers dodging their slashing blades. He finally kills the last man with a headshot. The slide locks in place indicating he had used his last bullet. He then turns to face Gim whom had only watched as his men were taken down.

"That's quite the magical weapon you have there," he says. "Able to easily...but it looks to me you are out of magical projectiles no?"

Nico doesn't say anything.

The bandit draws his own sword. "What do you say we settle this like real men?"

They both lock-in on each. Nico racks the slide and holstered his pistol. He grips his blade and gets into a defensive stance. The two buff their bodies with magic and each other down not making a move for few moments. Then in an instant the two clash. Their blades send sparks as they trade blows. However Gim eventually gets the uperhand grabbing Nico by the arm tossing him over his shoulder slamming Nico into the ground. The impact causes his body to bounce and kick sends him flying across the camp. Nico struggles to get up as Gim slowly walks towards him. Through his blurry vision could see Gims feet coming closer. He manages to get to one knee before Gim finally reached him ready to give the final blow. Nico blocks the attack with a mana shield. The shield deflects the attack throwing Gim off balance but only for a hot second he swings the blade back hoping to land a cut deep enough to incapacitate him. Nico barely manges to evade the attack. With the last of his mana Nico pours all his mana into his palm.

"Lighting Spear"

His open palm pierces Gim's abdomen blowing a hole through his back. He coughs up blood and falls dead. Using up all that he had in that attack Nico's vision goes black as he collapses.

Nico awoke to a blue sky his body aching all over. At the very least he was still alive. He gathers his strength to sit up and took a swig of healing potion. He warily looks around. His kills still lay dead from the day before. He sits there for a moment letting the potion do it's work before trying to move again. He takes out his sidearm and puts a fresh magazine in it. He keeps the empty one as well. He didn't want to make another after all. He gets up and collects his SMG as well. He even finds his combat knife. He gives the camp another sweep before returning to the corpse of the bandit leader. He confirms it is him by comparing the poster to the dead man's face. Confirming his kill he mutters to himself "Time to get to work"

He takes a sword off a dead bandit and removes the bandit leader's head with it. He puts his kill in a burlap sack that he found and moves out.

Nico reaches the next town without further incident passing by a few travelers and merchants on the way.  Upon arriving he asks directions to the Adventurers Guild's office.

He walks up to the counter carrying the bloody burlap sack. He puts the sack on the counter along with the poster.

"I'm here to collect my reward." He tells the clerk.

The clerk opens the burlap sack and nods. "Thank you this man has been terrorizing the area for months. Might I ask did you kill him on your own?" the clerk asks.

"Yes" he replied flatly not really wanting to go into detail.

"Very well wait a moment" the clerk disappears with the head presumably to confirm the kill.

Nico scans the office. Not too many adventurers were in today.

"Here you go. Your reward is 2 gold and 50 silver."

Nico thanks the clerk, takes his reward and makes his way to the quest board.

"Now what Quest should I take on next?" he wonders as he scans the board.

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