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         This novel is only work of fiction.
   Unless otherwise indicated, all the names,       characters, events, place, businesses and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination.

  And this is only work of fictitous manner
any resemblance to actual person living or  dead our purely coincidence.

   I want you to inform that this novel is Unedited so don't expect to much in this story I'll disappoint you. The writer is not professional and it's my first time in a writing field.

  If my story isn't cup of your tea you can leave, skip and don't read it. It contains strong language and matured them might triggered the readers.

  My story contains typo grammatical error. Again you can skip this story if you don't want it, and i don't want you to mentioned other characters in my stories I have my own imagination.


Eclipse Series #1: Primo Avriel De Luna Where stories live. Discover now