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Wednesday repeated her earlier question of "Mother is coming?" almost as if the notion of her mother checking up on her was unbelievable.

Thing nodded, or he flapped his hand in the equivalent sign of nodded. It was hard to tell sometimes.

Now, Wednesday knew that you shouldn't harm the bearer of bad news as they were only the bearer. But still, was that really applicable when your mother and probably the rest of your family too were coming over? Surely there had to be exceptions sometimes.

Feeling a tug on her sleeve Wednesday looked down finally noticing how Enid appeared like as if she was struggling to not simply topple over and while it was an admirable attempt the girl was in some serious need of rest. Uninterrupted rest.

Which probablt wouldn't be got if Thing was here distracting both her and Enid. The only logical solution would be to show him the door and all the marvelous things that laid on the other side of it. Like the hallway.

However, as her eyes slid towards Thing, doing what was essentially sizing up a hand, Enid noticed and suddenly became very much able to speak up for someone else while still holding a death grip over Wednesdays sleeve and her balance. Sleep was truly getting the best of the poor girl.

It was almost cute how the blonde thought she could get away with it.

If anybody ever asked on the subject Enid had started convulsing in a fit of madness and Wednesday herself had gotten put under a powerful spell.

At the very least her lupa was happy, at least her amata seemed content with the decision.

Apparently there were things Enid thought could be done better and she demonstrated this by harshly pulling Wednesday into bed.

With a small smile curling her lips Wednesday let her get away with it this one time.

Slowly accomodated into the bed with Enid slight confusion shot through her when the other girl grumpily started to manhandle her in a way that a person with that amount of exhaution shouldn't be able to.

Moments later a warm body curled around her, making her stiffen up, her hands going cold, eyes darting around the room.

Once realizing thay everything was fine Wednesday slowly relaxed, starting to practically melt as she nestled herself further into the other girl.

It was in this moment that Ajaxs death was decided upon and Enids future protection made into a priority.

Wednesday decided that waking up with her face firmly planted on top of Enids chest wasn't exactly the worst thing in the world.

Seconds later she'd firmly decided that it was her favorite place in the world. Soft, deliciously warm, and wonderfully comforting.

The only way to make it perfect would be to kick a peeping Thing out. It was really quite unsettling how he was just there.

On her desk, across the room, with, was that a judgemental look?

Giving him a look right back Wednesday thought it sufficiently conveyed her thoughts on the matter, especially the ones on if he wanted to judge her he most certainly wasn't welcome to come try it out and change his decision. Deciding that he was sufficiently warmed she snuggled back down into the warmth that currently surrounded her. Darkness leading her back into a deep sleep.


Sunlight hit her dead on and the top of her head was suspiciously damp. Cracking open her eyes Wednesday looked up into big, sad, wet eyes. Cheeks stained with tear tracks not a sound escaping her lips.

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