5. Mehendi Ceremony

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'Mehendi and love- a timeless partnership in every occasion'

As much as I love applying Mehendi and get lost in its design forever, I hate grinding it with all my energy. It is a total waste of time. We can easily buy them from the market but according to the ladies, grinding Mehendi at home makes it more pure and sacred.

Then again, the ladies left the task in my hands and went shopping without me.

Why? Because they think I don't like shopping.

It is true though. But it cannot be used as an excuse to make me do their work.

Ughhh! I shouldn't have denied their offer for shopping together.

Whatever, let's finish the task soon and then spend countless hours reading my books.

It is true said, no pain no gain.

As I grind the Mehendi, I feel a presence behind me. I ignored it. The servant must be here to take something.

I heard footsteps behind me.

"Need some help? " The familiar voice sent goosebumps through my body.

Soon the body came in my view. He was wearing casuals, a white v-neck t-shirt with black tracks.

Did I forget to tell you I was putting my blood, sweat and tears in this task at the Roys?

Yeah, I did forget.

I looked up at him and he raised his eyebrows to which I shrugged my shoulder.

A little help will lessen the time distance between me and fictional men.

Even if it is from him.

He took it as a yes and sat down in front of me.

Just his presence was making my stomach turn inside.

I ignored the feeling as it was not right.

I thought that he would take another pestle and grind the Mehendi. Instead he took the pestle from my hands and started grinding the Mehendi which was being grinded by me a few minutes ago.

The single touch of his fingers in mine sends a series of current through my body.

We made eye contact after the touch which can be counted as nothing because I broke it as soon as it was made.

He sighed and started grinding the Mehendi. I rested my back against the wall behind me.

I closed my eyes and the scenes from that night flashed my mind.


(The night they met for the first time after 2 years)

Preetha Di and Bhai left the room to spend some alone time. Di's phone rang so she excused herself to the balcony.

I stood up to use the washroom. Actually an excuse to escape the situation as I know that I won't be able to answer him without stuttering.

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