6. Confrontation

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'Unrequited love does not die; it's only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded.'

"Uncle, I think the ladies are very tired and probably hungry too. Why don't we help our ladies by helping them eat something." Kunal asked Papa to which he agreed saying.

"Why not beta. Let's help them eat."

"Why don't husbands or soon to be husbands help their dear wives to eat?" Kunal suggested the idea to which Bhai agreed almost instantly.

"Yes yes. I would gladly help her." Bhai said as Preetha Di looked down at her lap shyly.

"So let's bring the food" Kunal said and stood up to bring food for the ladies.

Clever Kunal, easily got a way to spend time with Naina di...through me.

Who will help me eat then? There is no one left.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Kunal had already taken his seat beside me.

I turned towards him with a questioning look as Di is sitting far away with some other guy.

"I knew that you liked Paneer Butter Masala so I brought that for you. Is it okay? "

I nodded in response.

Why is he helping me and letting some other guy help Naina Di?

He extended his hand with a bite of Chapatti and Paneer. I took a bite, careful not touch his fingers.

The taste was delicious and a moan escaped from my mouth in response without my permission.

Soon I registered my actions and my eyes widened. I quickly looked towards Kunal to see if he noticed.

Fortunately, he didn't.

Little did I know he did but is trying to supress his laughter.

He made me finish all the food he brought in the plate. My tummy is more than full right now thanks to him.

"Thank you." I told him in a low voice as he stood up to put the plate away.

"You're welcome." He said before walking away.

Now when I think about it, Kunal is acting very strange.

Before my departure for further studies he was very distant but right now he is acting different.

He is acting as if he.....he cares.

No he doesn't.

I shook my head. He can't. He has a girlfriend to care about.

But he is coming closer to me day by day. As if he likes me. Even when I am trying to distant myself from him.

No no no. He. Has. A. Girlfriend. Get that thing registered in your mind Jiya.

He can never like me.

I sighed.

"So, have you completed your school?" Kunal asked while taking the seat beside me.

He is 2 years older than me, same as Naina Di's age. He must be in college right now.

I nodded my head.

"Which college are you joining in?"

I shrugged my shoulder. I don't know. I have applied in many colleges, I don't know which one will approve me.

"So, what are you planning to become?" He said in a voice sounding that he is tired of me trying to avoid him but is trying to control it.

Of course he will be. He is trying to start a conversation but I am not engaging.

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