Chapter 19: Wedding Jitters

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When we went downstairs, Luana and her husband were looking at us with so much love and after we told her our stories she busted in tears and exclaimed; ' Oh my God, why don't you get married here!! we can make the arrangement for tomorrow morning. The minister is my brother, he can give you a special license.'

Luana kept on rambling, but I was speechless and when I turned to see Gio, he was actually grinning as if he really liked the idea.
'Gio, don't tell me you are even considering this? My parents will be mad at me. '

But Gio only nodded at Luana and winked at her and told her to go and do all necessary arrangements.

'Bella, I went to see your parents yesterday when I was looking for you, they know I have the intention of marrying you, your father even gave me his blessings. I will let them know and will arrange for them to be here. So, for now let's go shopping.!'

The day went by so quickly we got a white long dress for me not bridal but elegant and a tuxedo for Gio. My parents are coming tomorrow morning and we are getting married in the afternoon at 3p.m.
I was not stressing at all about my marriage because I never dreamed of an extravagant wedding, a simple ceremony is the best and we will have it at the beach which is the best dream wedding anybody can have.  I was only anxious about our wedding night. I really hope that all will go well. I know that Gio has so much experience, I was only afraid that I would be a disappointment to him.
' Penny for your thoughts?'

Damn I could not tell him what I was thinking so I just said what I could only say;
'I'm thinking how lucky I am that I got you in my life, I love you'
And with that he kissed me until we were out of breath. Luana pulled me in my room and told Gio to go and sleep in another friend's house where arrangements have been made for him. We will not see each other until tomorrow!!

I missed my man already... and I went to sleep with butterflies in my heart.
—--‐ —---- —
Tomorrow could not have come any faster, I was up and meeting my parents for breakfast. Gio did not want to inform his parents about his marriage. but me being so close to Paolo I called him last night and told him about the situation. He thanked me and said that he will come.

We were just talking about him when he appeared alongside his wife and daughters!
Damn I did not think that I would have to see the twins so soon. Nevertheless, I greeted them and for the first time in my life I could see the sadness in their faces.
“Hello Annabella, we know that we are not welcome on your wedding day, but we came anyway to ask for forgiveness. We were ruthless with you and we know that we don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
It was Julia who spoke, Isabella was only fuming in a corner and watching us talking. Her mother just hugged Giorgio and wished him well.  Mr. Gusto grabbed both of us with tears in his eyes and wished us lots of love and happiness in our lives.
Maybe the butterflies in my stomach due to what’s coming tonight made me mumble some words like thank you and of course I forgave the twins on the condition that they will not engage in our private lives.
Giorgio felt my nervousness and he pulled me into the kitchen.
“What’s wrong my dear?”
I could not answer him, so I just kissed him and blushed hard when I realized it was the first time that I advanced to him for a kiss. He grabbed me closer and whispered in my ear;
“I can’t wait for tonight to come more quickly”
My eyes opened so fast, like a deer caught in headlights. I could see the happiness in Giorgio’s eyes and his face reflected so much happiness, he looked just like the day I was lost in the forest.
“Are you getting cold feet Bella? Because, there is no rush in us getting married today. We could do that another time when you are ready.”
He was thinking that I did not want to get married! On the contrary I was so ready for marriage, I was freaking out about tonight only.
“Gio…, I want to marry you today and every day. I'm just nervous for tonight, I don't want to disappoint you since I have no experience.”
“God, Bella! You had me worried for a moment, your lack of experience won’t affect us, it’s never a disappointment I feel lucky to have you for only me. I will cherish you till the end of my life. I love you Annabella.”
And he kissed me, until my mother broke us apart to say the makeup artist was here and it was time to get ready.
I was feeling relieved to hear what Giorgio said and I went to get ready for my handsome prince!
The beach ceremony was much more than what I dreamed of. We were both barefoot, taking our vows and exchanging rings, after signing the paperwork and officially being Mrs. Gusto, Giorgio took me in his arms and we splashed in the water in our wedding outfits!
Everybody had a nice time laughing and enjoying the sun, beach and cocktails.
We held a small reception where Mr. Gusto announced that he annulled the contract he made Giorgio sign and he still was the owner of the enterprise.
Giorgio thanked his father heartfully and toasted for a better future for the whole family. I could see for the first time ever Mrs. Gusto happily embracing his husband, no charade was on.
The twins were otherwise engaged in luring some of the boys at the beach.
My parents wished me well and of course my father joked about me calling him every day now that I will be staying far from him. But I promised to visit him once a month.
We will be going back to Giorgio’s mansion next week and tonight we are going to a Villa for our honeymoon.
Since we were both drenched we showered and changed clothes in Luana’s apartment.
After greeting everybody we took a taxi to our destination.
“Giorgio, thank you for such a splendid day, it was the best day of my life!” Our hands were enlaced as we were enjoying the views while traveling.
The Villa was like a dream! Spotless and romantic. The bed had a heart in the middle created with rose petals. We went to the terrace to see the sunset with our champagne glasses.
Giorgio grabbed me and I was found trapped between him and the rails.
“Bella, I love you and today was made special by your presence and your love.” He was whispering and at the same time kissing my neck. I was facing the sea, my back to him. I could feel his arousal and I turned and kissed him on his lips while he took my glass and kept it on the table, his glass long gone.
I wore an off-shoulder dress, so with just a slip of his hands, Gio pulled the dress down and kissed me slowly from my lips to my neck and breasts. I felt warm by his touch, but I wanted to touch him too. I unbuttoned his shirt, and I could see that we were both flushed not by the warmth of the sun but by our desires.
We went into the room, where he whispered all his love for me and took me into heaven and back to earth with his body and soul.

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