Chapter 5: Dinner?, guest or servant?

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After preparing myself by simply changing into a floral dress which goes down to my knees, I went directly to the kitchen to meet Rose, the chef of the house. She is a very nice person but you should always know what to say in her presence since she would never support someone taking the wrong decision. So, I will not say anything to her regarding my plans since she adores Giorgio so much. I think Rose is the second mother of Giorgio. Or in the case of Mrs. Gusto we could say first mother.

"Buona sera Signora Rosalinda!!"
" Dio!! You are the special guest of tonight's dinner?! I never guessed for a moment. You went away without saying a word to me! So long dear, how are you?"

" Rose, I think everybody in this house told you about what happened right, so why the question?"
"No dear, I never believed their words and I know that you have a pure heart. So, you are the one to explain to me about the misunderstanding. Alright?"
" Si, but only after dinner please? I have been so hungry since I arrived. This smell is killing me and I know you cooked pasta, right?"
"Of course, sweetie, I even baked an apple pie for dessert. Come and help me to bring the food to the table if I'm not disturbing you."

"No way Rose! We are friends! It's never a problem to help you. Let me take the plates and forks."

Rose was in her late fifties, she never got married. Her lover died at a young age; he was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 25. So, Rose decided to never marry since she wants to keep only his memories.

While I was placing the plates, napkins and forks, I was deciding on which place I should sit.

The main one that is at the head will be for Mr. Gusto and opposite him will be his wife. There are 2 chairs on the left side that I know are always occupied by the twins. On the right side was Giorgio and my place but today will be for Bianca. So where did that leave me?

Not on the table.

I should maybe wait for them, when they arrive, they will add a chair for me. So, I prepared a plate for myself but kept it in the cupboard nearby.
After waiting for like 5 minutes, Gio's mother came downstairs.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hello Gab... Uh Mrs. Gusto, I think Mr. Gusto forgot to mention to everybody that I will be staying here for work purposes. I will help Mr. Gusto in his paperwork and also to prepare for Gio. uhm Signore Giorgio's wedding."

" Are you sure you are not here to wreck his marriage instead of preparing?." that was asked simultaneously by the twins.
" No ladies, that is not my intention."
"Mother, since she said that she is here to work, then she should stay in the servant quarters and eat there. She no more has the privilege to dine with us. It will be an insult to us!"- Isabelle
" She even got the beautiful room opposite Gio's room! She has no rights!" -Julia
Suddenly an angry voice shouted from my back:

Of course, Giorgio.
" Who the hell gave you permission to use that room! I think you know enough of the rules in this house since you had dreams of ruling over us one day! Nobody is allowed in that room and especially you! The first time you entered that room I forgave you and now you are staying there. That is unbelievable! "
"Alberto! Per favore, take down Miss Cavelli's luggage to the servants’ quarters. Thank you!"
With that said everybody took their seats, the twins sending me evil stares and smirking happily.
Before I could even take a step to go, Bianca came in wearing a revealing dress which was too short for such long legs and too low for that cleavage. Nobody was offended by what I could see but I know Mrs. Gusto was fuming inside, she was always the one to say respect your body and everybody will respect you. So now why she was quiet I couldn't understand.

" So, you employed a new servant! That's nice Rose is too old to do all of these things by herself.! You forgot to give me a fork! What a shame! "
I gave her mine while Rose was gesturing for me to come to the kitchen with her. Just as I was turning my back, Bianca screamed;
"Hey girl, bring me a glass of water and it should be room temperature."
I followed Rose into the kitchen and started to pace the room.
" Don't stress yourself cara, she has been here for a week now. She even tortured me a lot. But never in front of Gio. Sitting here by the counter we can both have dinner here. I can share with you. "

"Okay Rose, thank you so much, but let me first give her the glass of water."
While going towards the dining room, I could hear Mr. Gusto voice saying;
" For the last time I'm asking everyone in this room where Anna is?" She is my guest in this house and I know she was here because I asked Alberto, ''Where is she?"
I decided to show myself since nobody cared to answer.
" Signore Gusto, I'm here."
I placed the glass of water on the table.
" Could I be of any more service to all of you? I hope the food is to your liking since only the best can cook this. Buon appetito!"

I thought it was a nice performance so a pat on my back would be welcomed but I had to explain to Mr. Gusto.
" Ignore Gusto, it's not a problem for me. I can live in the servant quarters, since I am not a family member or soon to be. Have a nice meal!"
With that last note, I went to the kitchen to have my dinner in peace.
Wow what an unexpected family dinner! At least I have Rose with me!

Shit. She is going to ask me about the truth!! Oh no. Not today!

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