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Gun shots blared in the facility. Orders fused as soldiers ran, changing course or stopping to decide whether to fire or not.

While all of this was happening, a human figure was sneakily running around in the facility, in the process of escaping. It was precisely the target the soldiers were searching for : unfortunately for them, it didn't encounter many obstacles as it swiftly and confidently made its way out, the night certainly helping with that.

Behind him, soldiers were at a grip with attackers. Said attackers had been called here by the hooded person now looking at all of this from the top of a hill that was overviewing the whole facility.

'The soldiers are winning. Well, not much were summoned this time, so there's no helping it. I already did what I needed to do anyway.'

A sigh. 'Not here too, huh ? Even though it's about me, intel seems just nonexistent.'

The young man was about to turn on his heels and leave this place but he brutally stopped in his tracks. The reason being that his inhuman senses were alerting him that enemies were about to materialize right in front of him. And materialize they did : he was in front of a dozen of gigantic mechs. 'They found me quickly. I shouldn't have wasted my time here.' though the boy as he clicked his tongue.

"Alright, game's over, intruder ! You're gonna calmly follow us for a nice little chat about you invading our base, in jail !" cried out a very angry woman voice from one of the speakers of the mechs, as the mechs made their way to grab him.

Usually, those kinds of situations would have your typical intruder cursing or shuddering, or both at the same time.

He wasn't doing either of it. There was no reason to be scared by this much. After all-

"Wha-" A sound of bewilderment leaked from the speakers. It was natural. All around the intruder, bits of reality seemed to be pulled inside of a hole, hole from which emerged gold and black beings who had a close resemblance with machines. Yet, the woman talking from the speakers knew what they were. It was part of her job, after all.

"What the hell are Imaginary Constructs doing here ?!"

He chose that moment to tilt his head slightly upward. The woman and pilots of the mech then barely managed to see his grin under his hood, which infuriated them.

"Well, there's a bunch of your friends coming here for our little meeting. Sudden as it is, I thought I should call a few of mine to be fair. Do you like my consideration ?" provoked the grinning intruder.

That was the last straw. "Go !" the woman, who seemingly had authority over the pilots, ordered.

"Yes ma'am !" the pilots charged forward before they even finished talking, eager to teach a lesson to this cocky intruder.


"Haa, haa...Report. Is everyone okay ?" the captain of the team sought an overview of the situation as soon as the last Imaginary Construct was crushed.

The reports came in with delay, the evident tiredness of the ones delivering them. The captain bit his lips : half of the units were unable to fight, and the remaining ones were only working at 50% of their best. Without the pointers from their superior about these new enemies, perhaps they would have lost.

But this wasn't the worst. "Sir, we have no trace of him. Nothing indicating that he left the encirclement, footprints, or even a clue of where he is." A mech that still could move came back, reporting the results of the search for the intruder. The captain banged his fist on his mecha's control panel. "Freaking hell ! Just what is happening ?!"


In the middle of the fight, the mysterious intruder had disappeared without a trace. The entire facility tried to find him, to no avail. To add insult to injury, they had no idea who he was and why he came here either : no one killed, the facility suffered negligible damage, and he only briefly skimmed through their Previous Era records.

Honkai Impact : The Imaginary Human(Honkai Impact 3rd x OC)Where stories live. Discover now