{Chapter Eleven} Olivia Redfield

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The Routledge siblings stood in the doorway of the Chateau staring at the complete chaos the men had left their house. John B let out another long sigh before saying, "I'm ready to move on. Let's clean this place up."

Cleaning up the Chateau was surprisingly therapeutic. They both let go of everything that had happened in the day and focused all of their attention on cleaning. In true sibling fashion they'd made it into a game of seeing who could pick up the most trash in the least amount of time. 

They'd put ten dollars on whoever had the largest pile by the end of their twenty-minute timer. 

Indi made her way out of the porch with her arms filled with empty pizza boxes and beer cans. John B suddenly appeared in the doorway, blocking her way out and stopping her from adding more trash onto her pile to burn. 

A scowl appeared on Indi's face whilst a smirk grew on John B's. 

"I'm sorry. Am I in the way?" The brunette boy innocently asked. "I can move for the small price of two extra bucks."

Indi tried to squeeze past her brother but he stood in her way. She quickly jumped to the other side but he blocked her again. 

Her scowl soon turned into a smirk when an idea popped into her head. Indi stomped her heel hard onto John B's foot making him curse in pain and hobble out of the way. 

"You can shove those two bucks up your ass!" Indi happily called out as she skipped over to her pile of trash and dumped the boxes and bottles onto it. 

An hour or so passed and the Chateau was finally looking squeaky clean. John B and Indi stood in front of the pile of trash they were about to burn.

Indi poured the bottle of gasoline over the trash whilst John B held the corkboard of the history of the compass in his hands. He dropped it onto the pile before grabbing the box of matches. 

"You sure about this?" Indi asked with a wave of hesitation in her voice. 

"Kie was right. It's nearly been a year. It's time to move on," John B responded before dropping the flaming match and watched as the pile went up in flames. 

Indi rested her hand on her brother's shoulder as they watched the picture of their dad on the corkboard go up in flames. It was quite a morbid way to say goodbye and move on but it worked for them. 

Her attention was suddenly caught by another person on the board. Their great, great-grandmother Olivia. Oliva R Routledge. There was only one name that R stood for. 

Grabbing the fire poker, that they'd brought out just in case, Indi stabbed the board with it and dragged it out of the blazing flames. 

John B watched in confusion as his sister frantically stomped on the board to put out all of the flames. "Ind', the whole point of this was to let go not bring things back."

Indi ran her hand through her hair as she stared down at the charred name tag of their grandmother. "I think I know what dad was trying to tell us."

John B turned to her with widened eyes waiting for her to elaborate. Ever since they'd found the compass Indi had stayed quiet on what she thought about it and he knew it was because she didn't believe, but now she'd given him hope. 

"Redfield isn't a place. She's a person."


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