🔟 Lie to Me: Part ONE

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Fall leaves, time for long projects to be accomplished, time when many migrate to warmer places, and few ones dare to stay, to prove themselves they can survive; alone, what live brings during this season. The firefly was all ready and set to travel and embark into a new assignment.
Coralina, was dominated by mermaids that had the gift of reading male minds and feed from the love and feelings their love ones have, they were also known for cultivating the best pearls, unique and the best of all pearls known.
Planet wide.

There was a report where abusive sailors were exploiting the harvest of this pearls for resale in the black market. Cree assignment; to verify the proper rights that protect these mermaids were followed.
For Ada's; she had to survey the area and population for next 2 years to get accepted into the Alliance, re establish new rules and benefits from the production of the pearls market.

Lina the patriarch of the region, had a hidden interest about Cree's love for Ada. It was impossible for Lina to understand how much love a human could've have for a woman. She wanted to understand the reason why a man and a woman could have so much love that no matter what on this planet could've had broken such a liaison and kept so strong that no creature could've broken this strong loving, caring and cherished relationship.

Perhaps that love that many ever understood. A love relationship that Cree loved Ada before he met her.
How's that possible?


Lina's curiosity became almost an obsession, her eagerness to understand that loving feeling, that passionate love they both professed; hard to be broken and poisoned, caused on her an increased curiosity to know how such love could survive so long.
Lina wanted to know how two entities could have understood each other to a point that no space separates them.
Ada showed him a way of love they only knew. Lina eagerly wanted to know.
Everyone knew the love the both had was special, the special bond that couples can read each other's mind and looks, the way they both how to talk to each other with few words. That way of looking at each other and understand each other without saying a word.
Perhaps a telepathy communication?

Lina shook her head
Not possible for human beings

They express feelings vocalizing them. The human courtship it's complicated, there's exchange of thoughts and feelings, body touching, hugging, understanding, discussions, feelings of jealousy, lust, feelings Lina's race are not possible to understand.
How come a simple touch or look or gesture can provoke such intense feelings that drive them both to a point they both enjoy and celebrate in such a way the two bodies become one.
Essentially one entity, one being.

Lina's curiosity evidently increased as her doubts about those mysterious feelings and secretly enjoyment was just reduced to two. There had to be more to it.

At Coralina, rules are to report all incoming means of transportation. Unfortunately, a report was missing along with the certification of auditing for The Firefly. Conviction and jail to anyone not complying this new rule.
Cree not being aware of this new registration, got apprehended and taken to jail.
The Firefly got pounded

Ada's unaware of this new regulation got taken to a different area of the jail.

Meanwhile, coincidentally, Lina knew about the lovely couple being detained and requested a new audience and questioning to be performed in front of a jury for previous offenses committed.
The perfect excuse for Lina to know more about these two travelers everyone's being talking about.
Soon enough, Cree got connected to a lie detector.

Ada had a premonition- some type of feeling was bothering her, making her feel uncomfortable.

Down at the hangar, The Firefly was being confiscated for not showing the proper registration for carrying the unprotected firing equipment registration. Cree was taken into custody and forwarded to jail being accused of spying tactics to improperly disclose information to the authorities about exploiting mermaids to collect the black diamonds.

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