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Beomgyu parked his car and exited his car and later locking it

He made his way towards the apartment
He stopped at a particular floor, infront of particular door.

He ringed the door and waited for certain someone to open the door

The door was opened and he saw the male who was still rubbing his eyes which made him confirm that he was still asleep

??:"What the hell. It's 8 in the morning and I have a day off in work. Why are you here"

Beomgyu:"I came here to eat breakfast hyung. Cook me something, I'm hungry"

??:"Did you again skip your class?"

Beomgyu:"You know me well Soobin hyung"

Beomgyu grinned as Soobin just sighed at the younger

Soobin:"You know your mother would be so mad of you skipping the class"

Soobin said walking towards his kitchen to cook something for the younger

Beomgyu:"I don't care"

Heuning was sitting in his room infront of his PC and playing video games

He was so indulged in his game that he failed to notice a figure which entered his room

His twin sister Hyuna entered his room and she sighed watching her brother playing video games.

She walked towards him and patted his shoulder

Heuning paused the game and turned to see his sister

Hyuna:"The dinner is ready and all are waiting for you"

She said and made her way outside

He checked the time and cursed himself as he was 10 minutes late or their dinner time

He hurriedly shut down his PC and rushed down towards the dining table


I was nervous.

I saw my dad and mom sitting with their poker face and my sister was just sitting not bothered by them

I bowed to my dad and mom apologizing for being late and took my seat

Dad:"What the hell were you doing. You are ten minutes late"

I was quite and didn't dare to answer him

If I say I was playing video game he would forbid me to play again

My dad turned towards my sister and raised his eyebrow waiting for her to answer as she was the one who came to call me

My sister saw me and sighed

Hyuna:"He was playing in his PC"

I was so disappointed with her answer
Atleast she could say something else, but what can I expect from her as we are not even close to friends

We are literally like strangers

My dad and mom being comparing me and her always made a huge gap between me and her

The last time I talked to her as a sister was probably at kindergarten

I always kept my distance from her and she also did the same when our parents started comparing us

My dad glared at me and banged his fist on the table making me flinch

Dad:"Why can't you be like Hyuna. Look she was studying for her upcoming exams while you were enjoying playing games"

There we go with him again comparing with her

This is not the first time he did this
It's a daily story

My mother also started ranting about my marks of previous week and they both started ranting on me

While I sat there as a stone listening to their rants like usual

It's usual for me but it still hurts as hell as they never listen to me or how do I feel

I feel so suffocated being in this family

I wish one day I could run away from them.

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