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Earlier when the boys and Yn were sitting silently by the stream, here two males were hiding behind the tree

The man who was observing them asked the other man

??:"Did you kept the boxes near the gate?"

?:"Yes I kept it there"

Suddenly the second man stumbled over a stone and fell which made a rustling noise

The first man cursed under his breath and immediately pulled him and they both ducked down hiding behind the tree

The six attention turned towards the tree which was behind them

The first man peaked a little to find Taehyun and Beomgyu were coming that way to check

He panicked and suddenly he barked like a dog

??:"Woof woof"

Beomgyu and Taehyun then sat at their place thinking it was a dog

The second man was too stunned to speak

They silently made their way towards the home where the guys and Yn were living and sat there at a distance

?:"It was so artificial. Don't you know how dogs bark? You sounded like a pig"

??:"I was not signed up to bark like a dog okay"

?:"And you dragged me in this shit"

??:"Yeah how can I do this work alone without my brother"

He said sarcastically as the other scoffed


Man:"Find my son at any cost"

Officer:"Yes sir. We will find your son as soon as possible"

As the officer bowed and exited, the man went near his wife who was sitting on the couch and weeping

He sat next to her and embraced her

Man:"Don't worry. We will find our son"

Women:"It has been three days since he left the house angrily. I shouldn't have been harsh on him"

Man felt pang in his heart remembering the events which happened that day

He stared at the broken guitar which was kept on the table which he broke that day

He not only broke the guitar that day, he broke his son along with it

They both regretted their action on their son

Now they are feeling the guilt of treating their son that way

Everyone understands the value of someone when it's far or too late

Now they understood when their son was away from him


The sun rose brightly in the clear blue sky

The six sleepy heads were sleeping peacefully

Yn was the first one to wake up

She quickly made her way towards the washroom and took a quick shower

She wore her new clothes

She wore a black joggers and a white crop tshirt

She headed towards the kitchen and found a letter which was from aunt telling she would be in field and she had prepared a breakfast for the kids

Yn found the ashes of wood outside as she assumed aunt used for cooking them breakfast

Suddenly she got an evil idea and smirked

She dipped her finger in the ashes and made her way inside

She saw the sleeping boys and made her way towards them

She drew a moustache and applied a thick eye shadow using the black ash

The boys were unaware of the tragic event and slept soundly like baby

She saw a small table and she saw rubber bands

She took five rubber bands and tied a small pony for each on of them

Yn cracked seeing the scene and she decided to escape from the room and wait outside

She stood in the garden and shouted


She shouted after few seconds she heard several thud sounds and found all five of them with sleepy eyes came outside looking for her

She cracked up and started laughing like a maniac

The boys groaned after acknowledging that she was pranking them

While they were about to turn around they saw each other's face

First they all started to laugh crazily after watching each others face then realisation hit them






They all shouted as she was laughing and rolling on the ground unable to control herself

The boys were so done by this and made their way inside to wash their face

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