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Dokyeom was leading the way towards his home where he lived with his grandmother

Yn was quietly following him

Taehyun and the two other men were following behind them

They found that Dokyeom entered a house and lead Yn inside

??:"Now we should wait here"

?:"Okay I'll bring the car so we can rest"

He said and went away to bring the car

Taehyun scoffed and saw the men in disbelief

Taehyun:"You guys used to do this?"

The man nodded his head as Taehyun sighed

Taehyun:"What's your name by the way?"

??:"I can't disclose that, but you can call me apple"

Taehyun:"What the hell?"

?:"And you can call me mango"

Taehyun watched them in disbelief

The mango man called them inside the car

They both settled inside the car

Dokyeom:"Granny look who is here"

A women in her late 70's came outside the kitchen

She gazed at her grandson then at the girl next to him

Her eyes shone as she made her way towards them

Granny:"Aigo, your so pretty my child"

She said and kissed her forehead

Dokyeom was watching them with a smile

Dokyeom:"She is gonna stay with us for few days granny"

Granny:"You can stay my child. Come i have prepared a tasty dinner for you"

Yn felt overwhelmed by her gesture

She felt loved for the first time

Granny left them and entered the kitchen

Yn turned towards Dokyeom who was standing behind her back

She held his hand and said

Yn:"Thank you so much sir for helping me"

Dokyeom blushed as she held his hand but he raised his eyebrows as he heard the word 'sir'

Dokyeom:"You can call me Dokyeom, i don't mind"

Yn:"But your older than me"

She said and pouted

Dokyeom:"Just 4 years elder. That doesn't make me older"

Yn:"Okay okay let's go Dokyeom ajjushi"

She said and ran away towards the dining table as Dokyeom was dumbfounded

Dokyeom:"Yaah whom are you calling Ajjushi. Get back here"

He chased behind her as she hid herself behind his granny

Dokyeom:"Granny look she is calling me Ajjushi"

Yn:"Dokyeom Ajjushi, Dokyeom Ajjushi"

She teased him as his granny laughed at their silly fight

Granny had surprisingly cooked many dishes

Yn savored the dishes as she was satisfied

Dokyeom and granny watched her being amazed and they were happy for Yn

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