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They all are walking from last one hour

Yn had enough as she just sat down on the side walk

Taehyun:"Are you okay Yn?"

Yn:"My leg is paining"

Beomgyu:"Dont be dramatic girl. Get up"

Soobin:"Wait let me carry you for sometime"

Soobin turned and crouched down for her as she snaked her hand around his neck while he carried her on his back

He was giving her a piggy back and started walking

Yn rested her head on his shoulders as she was too tired while they continued their walk

Not after 15 minutes they heard a small truck which stopped next to them

Truck driver:"I see you people need help. Why don't you get on my truck. I'm heading towards the village"

Beomgyu:"No thanks. Why if you are a kidnapper?"

Truck driver:"I am not. This road will be empty because only few people travel here. You won't find any help so think about my offer"

Yeonjun:"He doesn't seem like a kidnapper. Let's just take his offer. Even if he does something wrong we are more in number and I have a dagger. I'll stab his bum"

The truck driver gave him a nervous smile
'I had not signed up for this'

He thought himself while the boys made their way back of the truck and climbed their and signalled the driver to move

Soobin made Yn to sit between him and Taehyun while he made her head to lean on his shoulder

She was fast asleep

Taehyun took his cap from his bag pack and put it on Yn's head carefully not waking her up

The sun was shining brightly in the sky

Beomgyu passed the water bottle to the other boys who one by one quenched their thirst and kept a few portion left for Yn

Kai:"Did you guys noticed that guy had a fake moustache"

Kai whispered softly

The other boys frowned at the new information and just shrugged their shoulders

After few minutes Yn woke up from her slumber and noticed they were sitting on the truck

Yn:"Are we getting kidnapped"

Before Taehyun could speak Beomgyu spoke

Beomgyu:"It's because of you the driver saw you and thought to kidnap you. Other boys came to save you but we also ended up being kidnapped by you"

Yn was literally frozen on her spot
She started getting scared

Suddenly she was hugged by someone

Yeonjun:"Yaah you brat shut your mouth and dont make her scared. Yn we are just getting dropped to the village by this guy nothing is wrong"

Yn wiped her tears and glared at Beomgyu who started laughing while Yeonjun broke the hug and smiled at her

Kai:"Yn you look cute when your angry"

Kai said giggling like a small child while she flipped her hair causing Taehyun and Soobin to smile while Beomgyu rolled his eyes

After a lot of bickering of Beomgyu and Yn they reached the town and they got down the truck

The driver smiled at them and handed them a bag

Yn opened the bag and found it had some fresh fruit like strawberry and apples

Truck driver:"Well it's from my farm. Gift for you kids"

Beomgyu:"What if you had poisoned them?"

Truck driver:"I would never do that. Take care kids"

He soon sat on his truck and drove away

Taehyun:"Wasn't he the one who said he was heading towards the village, but why did he turn back and going opposite side towards the city?"

Yn:"Your right something is fishy"

Yeonjun:"Let's not think about that and let's get going"

Soon they started walking and reached the village in 10 minutes

The inhaled the fresh air

They could see farm and cattle and few farmers in their field

The weather was great and they all had smile in their faces seeing the surroundings

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