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Taehyun:"You just left your house like that"

Taehyun asked not believing her story as she just shrugged her shoulder

Yn:"Aish I forgot my mobile and my jacket"

Taehyun chuckled hearing her and took something from his backpack and gave her

Yn took his jacket and smiled at him

Yn:"Thank you Taehyun"

They both were walking towards the railway station as Yn asked him

Yn:"By the way, why did you leave the house"

Taehyun sighed and started to tell his part of the story


Taehyun was sitting in his room while listening to music

Suddenly the door of his room was abruptly opened

He found his father gazing at him with his angry eyes

His father and his bond were drifted long ago when he decided to marry his stepmother

Taehyun loved his mother as he couldn't imagine giving her place to anyone else

He knew how his stepmother would humiliate him and his stepbrother would bully him

His stepbrother was same age as Taehyun

Suddenly Taehyun's father slapped him bringing him out of his thoughts

Taehyun knew that again his stepmother had something to do with this mess

His father slapped him again and asked him in rage

Father:"Did you just call your mother a gold digger"

Taehyun was too stun to speak

She had never done something like this before

He saw his stepmother smirking behind his father

She fake cried and held his father's and from behind and said

Stepmom:"Is this the respect your son show me after taking care of him. I'm hurt"

Hearing this his father's anger rose

Dad:"Your nothing but a disgrace to me. You should have also died with your mother. Even though she is your stepmother you should take care of her and should not disrespect her and why will you bully your stepbrother. I regret not sending you to orphanage after she died"

Taehyun's heart broke while hearing his father's painful words

He never expected his father would talk like this

He wanted to argue and tell him that there were zero mistakes from his side but he couldn't find words

It seemed like words were stuck in his throat

He simply stood up and took his bag pack and rushed outside

He heard his father shouting his name yet he ran out of his house

Never in his life he thought he would encounter this day


Yn was shocked to hear his story and felt bad for him

Yn:"I would had seriously punched your stepmom if i was in your place"

Taehyun chuckled at her words

Taehyun:"I know your wonder woman but still use your brain pabo. My dad would have kicked me out"

Yn:"But still your out of your house"
Taehyun rolled his eyes

When he was about to speak he heard some strange sounds coming

Yn and Taehyun stopped walking and walked towards the sound which was coming from the end of the alley

Yn and Taehyun stood frozen at the sight and were dumbfounded at what they saw

A boy lying on the ground with another boy on top of him sitting on his stomach while the third boy was holding the second boy's sleeve trying to stop him and the fourth one was standing at the corner while crying

The boys froze while watching Yn and Taehyun

While only one words left their mouth


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