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Yeonjun:"Yaah, why are you crying?"

Suddenly Kai hugged Yn who was sitting next to him and started crying while hugging her

Yn was confused but still patted his head and comforted him

All the boys were confused by his sudden outburst

Yn:"What happened Kai? Why are you crying"

Kai:"My sister never treated me like this, indeed nobody in my family took care about my likes or dislikes"

Yn:"Hey it's okay, we all are there with you"

Taehyun:"What happened exactly that you left your home. You can share with us only if your comfortable"


Kai was sitting in his room trying to study but nothing was going inside his brain

He was just sitting in front of the book and zoning out

He just wanted to check something so he took his phone

Suddenly his room door opened and his mom entered

She thought he was using his phone all time without studying

She snatched his phone and threw it on the ground

Kai was shocked to see his mother
Before he could argue he was cut off my a harsh slap

Mom:"What the hell were you doing instead of studying"

Kai:"M-mom I was studying"

Mom:"Don't lie to me. I saw you using your phone. How many times are you gonna lie?"

Kai was about to speak but his mother cut him off

Mom:"Your sister was studying and she's so obedient but look at you always careless"

Kai was already in tears as he yelled at his mom


Mom:"You should have not born only. I would be happy with her. Your so irresponsible"

Kai was so done with this shit so he simply walked out of his room

He reached his living room to see all his cousins gathered there and he got more embarrassed as they were listening to his and his mother's talk

He just ran out from there and while walking he found Yeonjun walking towards the alley


Soobin patted his head softly and said

Soobin:"Don't worry we all are with you"

Kai nodded his head like a small kid while the others smiled

Yn:"Let's get going"

Beomgyu:"Where the hell we should go now?"

Soobin:"Let's just keep walking until we are tired and enjoy ourselves"

They all stood up and exited the cafe
They all were walking silently without speaking

It was a comfortable silence

Soobin:"Well as we checked earlier, all of us have a little money which can be manageable for food and drink"

Yeonjun:"If we walk for another two hours we will reach the country side of Busan"

Taehyun:"How do you know that"

Yeonjun:"One of my mom's friend lives there so we can go there for time being"

Beomgyu:"Thank God your atleast useful for something"

Yeonjun glared at him as other chuckled

Yeonjun:"Shut up and follow me"

He said while keeping his hand around Kai's shoulder and started walking along with him as others walked behind them

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