Chapter 1

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   My name is  Andrew kane. I'm a college graduate looking for work I studied Statistics and I work night shifts  as a waiter in a club I'd have said I was a typical guy except for the fact that there's nothing typical about me.

what do I mean by that ? ,Well when I get angry things go up in flames and any metal within a 3 mile radius melts down and for some reason anytime I feel cocky fights start around me,Yes you heard anytime I 'feel' cocky I don't have to think about anything I just have to 'feel' cocky.

  I decided to talk to my college about it and she told I needed to see a psychiatrist I didn't get mad because I'd been considering it for a while but I know I'm not crazy it's happened too many times  a coincidence.
I sat in the Cafe I usually sit at in the morning reading the newspaper looking for jobs crossing out the ones I wasn't classified for, Someone walks into the Cafe while my face was  still buried in the newspaper and then I hear a females voice she asks for me using my full name I lowered my paper to look at her, She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen she had Ink black hair , she wore a black biker jacket and a white blouse , she also had on black skin tight trousers knee high boots.

I tried hard to think of where I had seen her face before but she didn't look familiar but I felt like I knew her maybe from a different life, I couldn't just explain it. she sits in front of me and smiles I notice her eyes they were  blood red I thought maybe it could be eye lenses so I didn't bother
" I've finally found you brother "
I just sat there looking at her, thinking this girl must be out of her mind or maybe she smoked too much meth or something.

"Looks like you haven't ascended yet , Ooooh you're going to be mad when you discover that you're a weakling in this life "

She says as she crosses her hand and let's out a laugh, I didn't like the way she used the word 'weakling' it mad me feel small.

" know you?"

She smiled again but this time it wasn't full and the smile seemed a little sad.

" Yes some many, many life times ago we were siblings but then you decided to start a war in which you ended up dying "

She saw the look on my face and let out a hearty laugh and all of a sudden she became serious.

"Uhh ....Did I do something wrong?"

" Nope I'm just thinking if I should speed up your ascension or let it run it's course "

  I still couldn't figure out what she was talking about and then she gets up.

   "I believe you have a plan  if i were to interfere I could mess this up for and as much as I'd love to do that I really want my brother back sooooo.... I'll let you be for now, But you should know that after today things are about to get a little bit crazy"

  She turned to get going and then she stops and says;

    " I can't believe I'm telling you this. Take care of yourself big brother"

And then she left, I looked out the window and saw her crossing the road. When she reached the other side of the road she looked at me and gave me a half smile. A newspaper truck passed in front of her when it was gone , she too was gone.
I turned and asked the man at the counter;

"Uhmm  Henry?, you did see me talking to a girl just now?"

Henry gave me a skeptical look before he nodded to affirm I wasn't crazy.

When I got home from work I was tired I checked my watch the time was 1: 30am I sighed , I need to get some sleep thankfully I work only at night so I could sleep in .
I walked to my room I got undressed and got in the shower the warm water was soothing I felt the heat ease my muscles my mind drifted to the girl I met at the cafe I thought about how she just vanished and then decided I didn't want to think about it too much I got out of the shower and dried my self found my shorts and vest In a pile of clothes besides my bed.

I laid down and thought about my day no exploding cup ,no melting metallic bottles and absolutely no fights I'd categorize it as a good day  I closed my eyes and thought about 'the disappearing girl' I thought about the color of her hair , her blood red eyes and her pale skin .
I whisper the word 'brother' as I fell asleep with a smile on my face .

Apollo steps into Zeus's throne room, the throne room is a giant hall with no roof ,just six white giant columns on both the left and the right side of the hall they seem to be holding the endless expanse of stars and a marble  floor that looked like clouds and they seemed to be moving ,there were steps that led to two thrones on one of the thrones sat a man in a with toga that was clipped together at his shoulder with a golden eagle shaped pin.He looked  to be in his 60's he had white hair with tiny streaks of black ,completely white beard that was at chest level and very bright blue eyes,When he spoke it was like thunder sounding in different places at once .

" Did you find him?"

" No Father Eris eluded me ." Apollo said with his head bowed low.

The floor spark lightning and the room rumbled with thunder.

" Find her , Find him and do not let him ascend, do not come before me until it is done"

Apollo bowed and proceeded left the hall.

" Artemis" Zeus called.

A girl appeared , she had a long auburn hair in a ponytail and clear silver Iris She wore a long  silver dress she bows and says
"Here I am Father"

" Your brother seems to be out matched by Eris I want you to follow him be discreet if he fails or seem unable to complete his assignment I want you to step in ,But do not interfere until you are completely sure he is incapable"

" Understood" Artemis says and disappears.


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