Chapter 7

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Wearing my flip flops and heading to the war room—where I also eat breakfast—I awoke with the sensation of having slept on thorns, with every part of my body hurting.

When I walk into the war room, I notice Eris standing in front of the dining/strategy table, dressed in a black singlet with her signature black leather pants and black boots. I approach her.

"Good morning, Eris."

"Morning sleepyhead, you never were a morning person; mornings always had you and Apollo at odds."

"I have been meaning to ask you: when we met Apollo, you called him 'The Champion Of The Gods,' but he did not seem to like it."

She giggled probably happily remembering how she struck a nerve.

"It's a long story"she said as the handed me a plate of scrambled eggs and toasted bread.

"We've got time". I say and take a seat and look at her eagerly.

The Olympic games originated from a tournament where gods competed in activities such as spear throwing, archery, and gladiator fights. Forging bouts were also held. Gladiator fights were the most popular and allowed gods to demonstrate their strength.
the only rule 'no one dies', so for 5 millennia Apollo won but we all knew he won because Ares did not compete and on the 5 millennia Apollo bragged that he could defeat even Ares no reply was heard from Ares until it was time for the 6th tournament and then we saw Ares he had come to compete everyone knew Apollo was in trouble even Zeus tried to convince Apollo not to compete but Apollo was too proud and so the tournament started and Ares destroyed the competition until

I sat there with my mouth open.

"I was the cruelest being in the universe"

Eris laughed.

"You should have heard what Apollo said when he won the fifth time."

"But still, that was too cruel."

"You were the god of chaos and war you were supposed to be cruel"

"Ares and you must have been really close."

"Why do you say that?"

"The way you just defended him, and you are so determined to get him back, you are more determined than his sons."

She did not say anything for a while.

"Well, when you have been with someone for millennials, even three seconds without them will know......empty."


"You see, when we were kids, I, Ares, Athena, Artemis, and Apollo had a lot of fun together. We played pranks and joked around, you know, kid stuff, and then we grew up and all of a sudden everyone had these big positions, Athena became Olympus's head strategist, Apollo became the god of the Sun, Artemis the Moon, I became the goddess of Chaos, and Ares became the god of war. Relationships became sour except for I and Ares, perhaps because we had the same mother, but we became closer he During feasts, he would sneak me out and show me beautiful places. He showed me how to get in and out of Daedalus's Labyrinth. It was fun being around him, and then he was gone because my father was scared."

" Scared of what?"

She looked at me and smiled.

"You will know when it is time."

"So I guess almost being killed by two manticores still does not grant me access to 'classified' information."

"No, eat your food; it is getting cold."

Later on that day I and Diemos continue with our training that is 6 hours of sword fighting I had gotten so go then after training i didn't even feel tired,We were resting when Phobos and Eris walked in.

"Artemis is getting desperate" Phobos said.

"What do you mean"replied Diemos.

"when last did you guys watch the news?" he raises one brow when asked the question.

"Probably.....since we came here."

Phobos sighs and walks up to the table picks a remote and turns on the T.V to the news channel.
The reporter give a news report about wild animals walking around the streets all over the country, there were wolves, Bears, Deers, racoons etc it was like nature had broken into modern civilization.

"Well shit" Diemos says.

" I'm still confused"

Diemos looks at me confused and then I think he remembers that I'm still mortal because he proceeds to explain.

"Artemis is the goddess of hunt meaning see has a type of control over animals and she's sent them to hunt you."

Imagined what would happen if a bear or pack of wolves eventually got to me and it wasn't nice at all.

"So....what does this mean for us?"

"It means we have to be even more careful."Eris answers.

"Do you guys have a plan apart from training me?"

"Yes we do" Phobos replies.

"And am I allowed to hear it."

"If you want to."

" I do."

"We are helping you ascend."

"I know that part, what's the plan?."

"Keeping you alive till it's time."

I sigh know fully well that's all I was going to get from him.I spend the rest of the day studying battle tactics with Diemos.I laid on my hammock thinking about how my life has drastically changed I used to just want a job and feed myself day to day but here I am eating free food, a place to sleep without rent and most importantly I'm a god, well not yet at least till I ascend I relish the thought of being all powerful as I close my eyes and fall asleep.

In the war room Eris, Phobos and Deimos sit around the table their faces looking grim.

"Is she still there?" asks Eris

"Yep" replies Diemos.

"How did she even find us?"Eris says as she runs her hands through her hair.

Diemos looks at Phobos and says; "I told you that deer looked at me weird."

"Deer?, What deer?" Asks Eris.

"We saw a deer close to the hill it looked at me weird and just took off."answers Diemos.

"You guys see a deer in the middle of a desert and it didn't seem strange to you that a forest animal was just strolling in the desert miles away from it's habitat?"

Phobos shrugs and Diemos had a look of total confusion.

On Top of the hill stood a lady with a zipped up ash jacket, green cargo pants and Hiking boots, she had hair knotted into a long pony tail, she was looking through a pair of binoculars at the warehouse.

"Found You."

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