Chapter 2

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    A man stood in Greek amor. Red horsetail running out of the crest helmet he held a double edged sword that glowed like it had just be passed through a forge he stood on a Clif looking down on a city being ravaged by war, The 'city of Troy' you could hear the yelling of men fighting, women screaming running to take shelter he had a smile on his face he enjoyed the view, all of a sudden it was like he was looking at me he's expression change and then he said;
" Wake Up".

I was drenched in sweat,what the hell was that all about?  I switched on my lamp and picked my watch to check the time it was 5:00 am but I couldn't sleep the nightmare felt too real and something was off the man he looked similar he looked like ......
I walked into the bathroom to wash my face I looked into the mirror and for a split second I saw the face again
He had a proud look with gold colored irises not gold but the color of fire.

It's been week since I saw the girl but I can't seem to get her face out of my mind , and I've been having reoccurring dreams about a man who looks exactly like me I mean not exactly considering the fact that he was ripped and taller and didn't seem human at all everytime I saw him it was different never the same place, never the same war and I can't stop thinking that the man in my dreams and the 'disappearing girl' are connected but I'd have to admit to my self that I saw the girl disappear and I can't bring myself to accept that so I'll just go with I drank too much coffee.

I sat in the cafe again doing the same routine it's not as boring as it sounds
Well not for me at least it's like I'm looking at the Newspaper paper and forming strategies breaking down the pros and cons of every job before I cross them out .
As I was going on about my business the ' girl ' walks in she didn't have the calm look she had the day we met she looked over to my table and crush over .
" We have to go right now !"

"Go where?"

" Somewhere they can't find you "

" Whose they? "

" Stop asking stupid questions and do as I say"

Her red eyes glow and I felt an extreme urge to do everything she asked me to do we stood up at the same and walked out of the cafe.
" Where are we going?"

" I already told you something they can't find you"

" Who are they?"

" It's all my fault I shouldn't have looked for you I should've known better , I should've known he'd have me followed"

" who had you followed and what does that have to do with me?"

She didn't answer she just kept walking I took the memo and knew she wouldn't answer I sensed someone was following us and turned to look and there was a man in an expensive black suit he had dirty blonde hair and his eyes were sunset orange I turned and looked at the girls eyes she  gave me a looked that said  "what's wrong with you?" I remembered the man in my dreams and I prayed to heaven that this was a dream.
" Don't look now but there's a man in a suit following us"

" I know I can feel him he's trying hard to conceal himself but whenever he's around the sun shines bright but brings no heat with it "

I realized she was right there wasn't a single cloud in the sky the sun glowed like someone cranked the switch to the max but yet no heat.

" Don't you think if I knew what was going I'd be able to defend my self?, cus you know Knowledge is power"

She looked at me like I had just committed sacrilege and then smiled

" Mortality looks good in you ,Ares"

  " Ares?!, Why'd you call me Ares?"

In that moment I realized I didn't know her name.

" What's your name?"

She didn't answer immediately but then she says; " Eris"

" Like the villain in Sinbad"

She looked a bit surprised

" Yes , exactly that person"

" That's why you keep calling me your brother you think I'm Ares"

" The fact that the guy behind us is tailing us proves that you're my brother and why are you looking more convinced today?"

"I'm trying to be open minded"

She smiled.

" So what do we do about the guy tailing us?"

" Just keep walking "

We take a turn into an alley and when we reach the end of the alley she turns around the man tailing us halts at the opening of the alley they stood glaring at each.

" Eris my dear sister how have you been?, I've missed you dearly"

"Look Ares it's Apollo the champion of the god" she said and smirked.

I had a feeling that was intended as insult not a compliment. Apollo frowned a bow and an arrow appeared the arrow had a gold tip, he drew the arrow and pointed it at me.

"Woah woah woah!!! Look man I don't know what's going on here I don't even know who you are just chill out and point that thing some other place"

" I can't believe the great god of war has reoccurred as a weakling like you I am deeply disappointed"

" I'll ignore that"

Eris chuckles and raises her palm black smoke erupts out her palm and a huge box appears, the box looked to be made of silver it had images engraved around it.

" Pandora's box?, Incase you didn't know sister that thing is empty " he says and raises his bow to face and gets ready to release the string.

" I'm happy you don't mind me opening it , I've been itching to since Ares gave it to my on my birthday"

Apollo's expression changes into fear as Eris moves her hand to the top of the box.

" STOP!!! ,Are you really going release his attrosities here , right now?

" You forget brother I am the goddess of choas when hasn't my brother's antics pleased me?"

Apollo's squints his eyes as if he was searching her soul to see if she was really going to do it he takes a look at me and lowers his bow.

" My dear brother as long you share our father's love for humans I'll always be able beat "

She holds my hand and we disappear in a ball of black smoke.

" Damn it , I hate her "

He picks takes his phone out of his pocket and makes a call.

" Hey I need your help........WHAT DO MEAN WHO?!!,check your damn caller I.D.......Eris has him.

Three Buildings away stood a girl in a Grey zipped up jacket , Brown kakis and hiking boots she had her knotted into a pony tail, She was looking through a pair of binoculars at the alley where Apollo stood.

" I guess it's my turn now brother"

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