Chapter 6

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I ran towards the edge of the crater when I reached the edge I leaped to get of the crater and hit an invisible and fell back, I stood up and placed my hand forward I felt something solid but there was nothing there I look towards the hill at two figures standing there and I imagined Diemos with a smirk on his stupid face,I turn around to see the two manticores soaring towards me, their appearance are enough to give a person a heart attack.

They were basically lions with bat wings,a stinger for a tail although they didn't really have the face of a lion they had a long snout that looked like someone tried to crossbreed a lion and a bat, they had fang sticking their mouths and slits for irises.

I ran towards them when I got close enough I slid under them and they flew right past me I sprinted towards the center of the crater,when I got to the center I turned and faced their direction, the manticores circled back and landed in front of me one on the left and one the right they were sizing me up, I adjust my shield and my grip on the sword,The one on the left leaped for me I dive right and the other one took of a swiped it's paw towards my I moved slightly and it struck the armor on my back I wasn't hurt but the strike was more powerful than I anticipated and I fell face flat.

The manticore in front of pounce I roll to side and got up quickly it roared in annoyance I saw it's tail move and I put my shield in front it struck the shield with a force that almost made me fall back I jumped back and took a look at the shield and saw a crack which bothered me because since I had sparring with Diemos he never cracked my shield I know he was holding back but still how much could a god hold back but this things stinger just crack my shield in on strike.

The hairs on my neck stood and my instincts told me get out of the way and so I roll to my left and the manticore flew right past me,I decide that it's time to go on the offensive the manticores start to circle me one to the left and one to the right, when the are both on my side they stop and then the one on my right gets up in the air I soon realize it was a distraction I hear a whip sound and instinctively move to my right the strikes the ground and I use my shield to hold the tail to the ground and cut of the stinger end a green ooze spills from the tail still attached to the manticore,when the ooze touches the ground it starts bubble and melts deeper into the ground and the manticore roars in pain, the other one in the dives for me as it snarls I dodge it and cut off it's wings it crash lands and tumbles, I turn my attention to it's partner it looks at me wearily.

"You taught him all that in months" asks Phobos.

"I thought you're supposed to be the smart one how in the name of chaos could I have taught him situation analysis and battlefield adaptation in months" replied Diemos.

"So that's all him"


"Well then I was right"

"Yes,but he isn't done yet"

The manticore sized me up before convince itself to attack it leaped and thrusted with it's wings I run towards it when I striking distance I slide under it and struck my sword deep into it's under side and draged the sword as I slid down, the manticore fell down with I guts spill out and it's breathe dying down, I got up with my body stained with sand and manticore blood.

The other manticore had gotten over it's shock of losing it's wing and had now realized I had killed it's pattern it roared in anger, it breathing beaking heavier and before I knew what was happening it opened it's mouth and fire came out engulfing me I put my hands up I knew it wouldn't help, I expected to be screaming in pain but nothing happened I wasn't hurt I didn't even feel a sting,I opened my eyes and nothing happened I just stood there in shock.

The manticore stopped breathing fire the flames stuck to my cloth but didn't burn them, eventually the flames go out the manticore looked at me differently it may have been fear or anger I couldn't understand,we stood glaring at each other waiting for who would attack first after what seemed like hours the manticore launches it self at me I side step and slash my sword and It's head fall off.

I walk slowly towards the end of the crater I try to touch the invisible wall but there was nothing there it had been lifted, I make my way towards the warehouse as I pass the hill I see Phobus and Diemos standing at the entrance of the warehouse, Diemos had a smile on his face he walked towards me and I raise my sword to his and way;

" Don't you dare open your mouth one smug comment Diemos and I swear I'll kill you".

I walk towards the entrance exhausted, tired and hungry as I walk pass Phobos I noticed a look of surprise on his face I ignore it I'm too start a conversation, I walk into the warehouse and close the door behind me.

"Did you see that?"asks Phobos.

"See what?"

" For a second there he was........he was dad"

" Yeah".

"We actually found him".

"Now all we have to do is  keep him alive".

Eris sat in a restaurant in downtown Manhattan, she wore her normal attire had her legs crossed and was looking out the window, A man walks towards to her table and sits down.

"Hello, Hermes".

"Whatever you've got planned Eris stop now he's getting really mad".

"I didn't call this meeting for you to give me a lecture,Hermes".

Hermes sits back looking defeated.

"Then why did you call me here"

"Ares will ascend I'll make sure it happens and when he does there will be war".

She turns from the window and looks Hermes in his eyes.

"But before that happens I want to know Hermes, Are you for us or against us".

Hermes throws his head backwards and runs his hand through his blonde hair and let's out a sigh.

"At the last war you took no sides Ares respected you for that and force you but I think you can like all of us feel that this time won't be like last time, this time everyone has to take sides".

Hermes stared at Eris with his bright blue eyes he thought about how someone so beautiful could be so chaotic.

"I'll bid my time Eris like everyone else I don't want to pick a loosing side so let's see how it goes, I'll pick a side when Ares ascends".

She smiles and stands up to leave.

"Why do you still believe in Ares I mean the guy has already lost once, don't you think you should move on?,I mean what if he loses again?".

She looks at him sternly at him sternly and then smiles and says; "Ares has never lost".

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