Chapter 4

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For two months now I've been training with Diemos , the first day started we started with the easy stuff I'm talking 200 push ups ,300 hundred sit ups and running up and down a hill of 10km and then we moved to sword fighting I was giving a long Greek style sword, bronze Greek armor , bracelets and a red  horse hair Greek helmet, but Deimos didn't wear any protection he didn't need any as all he had to do was beat me everyday continually I haven't seen Eris and Phobus in these three weeks I can't believe they left me alone with this guy, I can't help think he enjoys seeing me suffer.

" If you keep standing like that you'll never get better at this your strong leg in front and you balance on your toes and your strong side is your left not your right."

"I fight easier with my right."

"It's easier but you fight better with your left.

"How would you know?,your not me."

"Ok then smart guy use your right, weapons ready".

Diemos struck first as usual our swords clashed he took a step back and swung from my right I blocked he swung from the left I blocked he came drove in and was about to swing but then he goes down and sweeps me off my I land on my back but stopped my head from hitting the ground the action has become an second nature to me from experiencing many head slams, I jump up  and take my stance, he turns around and drops he's sword and table where we keep our weapons.

"Practice is over, get your self cleaned up and meet me outside."

I'm a bit surprised usually Diemos would drill me till the sun don't shine and until I'm not able to use my hands before he stops practice.

I walk outside the warehouse my hair still wet I had to adjust my eyes to the sunlight I've gotten used to artificial light of the warehouse, the ware house is sitting at the bottom of a hill in a desert I don't know where it could Nevada, Texas or North Dakota ,it could somewhere entirely different I don't really know the warehouse had a symbol on the side it was a goat head , the symbol was on the swords , the armor ,the shields and even at the bottom of the boots, I did some research and found out it was a sign of Ares, I asked Diemos that if Ares has been gone for a very long time who put all this symbols he said it was Enyo Ares's daughter she loved Ares so much see devoted her life to make sure the gods and humans never forgot the god of war.
I walked up the hill behind the warehouse I used to hate this hill the first two weeks of climbing this hill was hell but now it has literally become a walk in the park.

I reach the top of the hill where Diemos stood I'm very sure he didn't walk up her since he could teleport anywhere he wanted to.

"When I was young my father would take I and Phobos to Fantasia where Chiron and stayry lived we'd train for hours, days, months, years even but in those we still had fun we played with satrys we rode on the centaurs backs but it was most fun because I was there with my brother and father...."

" Is there a point to this conversation "

" I was getting to the point....... everyday I see more of him in you his hard head, his relentlessness and his impatience............ anyway what I was trying to say is since we came here you haven't asked for a break, you haven't called anyone you don't seem bothered that people might be looking for you I know it's a bit late to ask this but, Andrew don't you have a loved one , a family member or a love interest some you could 'have fun with."

I was shocked not because I had just realized that what he said was true but because Diemos didn't seem like the 'family man' type of person.

" My parents died when I was young I didn't know them I  was put in an orphanage were I was adopted by this lovely suburban company but eventually when I was in highschool my mom died of cancer and my dad died of grief they left enough for me to graduate I haven't really been lucky with relationship I'm scared of losing people I love and makes me overbearing so I don't do friendships and I don't do relationships"

"Hmmm.......a warrior through and through but you know Andrew everyone needs friends, everyone needs love and everyone needs family it makes life complete."

I kicked a rock and it flew of the hill.

"Well at least I've got the last one down two sons and a daughter who sounds absolutely lovely."

He laughed, I've never heard him laugh.

"Don't forget your sister and a big extended family of step-siblings I can't wait for you to meet Hep and Aphrodite you'd absolutely love them."

He had on his look that said he was thinking the exact opposite of what he was saying he turned and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Take your rest tomorrow we go again."

He walks of the hill I stand there watching the sunset it would have beautiful if it's patron wasn't out to kill me.

"Did they drop off the face of the planet?!!!!!" Thunder rumbled as Zeus spoke the floor lit up with lighting.

" Father I've searched everywhere"said Artemis in her white gown.

"You should have taken them when you saw them"

"You asked me not to interfere...."

"I know I know........and what of the boy?

" I only felt his presence,father."

"Which one was it?"


"How did you know it was him?"

She shivered a little.

"We met in the last war he and his brother........I can never forget."

"Hmmm....... find him Artemis,Find him and I will reward you beyond your wildest dreams but if you fail me you will regret.

"I won't fail you father" he voice shook as she spoke.

"leave me"

Artemis vanished with a white light.

Zeus gazed at the floor the clouds separated and showed New York skyline.

"Where are you Ares?."

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