The beginning

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Douxie's POV

I wake up from my sleep feeling all groggy until I remember that there are still shadow mephits roaming around town. I get up and the a pillow at Archy my familiar cat to wake him up. He wakes up with a yowl. "Douxie! What was that for?!" He hisses at me. "Come on Arch! We're going to the use you as bait for the shadow mephits!" I exclaim as we both leave the bookstore. We hear someone yelling for help and running away probably from a shadow mephit.

"I guess I don't have to be used as bait anymore." Says Archy with a smirk. "Ugh, not now Arch, we have to save whoever's being chased!" I'm finally being the reasonable one as I see where the shadow mephit is. "There Arch!" I shout as I point to an alley way. I jump in front of the person that was now cornered and destroy the wretched beast. I turn to the boy that got chased and instantly recognised him. It was Krel.

I lend my hand put for him to get up. When he looked up at me, my heart dropped as I saw tears streaming down his face as he shakes from fear. I pull him up and into a hug to comfort him. "It's okay, it's okay..." I say as he clings onto me. "I'm here..."

After he calmed down slightly he explained to me what happened. I nod as I listen to his story. When he finished explaining I took him to the bookstore for him to be safe. I care too much about him... and love him. Then I hear footsteps behind me. It was Merlin.

"Hisirdoux. I need you to find the guardians-" I cut him off. "Oh of course, no hello or even a hi. Just give me an errand because I'm your errand boy. I haven't seen you in 900 years-" "Hisirdoux!" Merlin exclaims. "Right. Sorry" I apologise. "I need you to find the guardians of Arcadia." Well lucky me I already have one which is Krel. I listen to why Merlin needs them and I start feeling a bit upset. I didn't want Krel to put himself in danger now. He just said goodbye to his sister leaving Earth. He doesn't need more. "But Master-" "But Master, me" Merlin cut me off.

Krel's POV

I listen to why the mysterious old man needed me and my friends. Then Douxie's marvellous face turns to me. "I'm gonna be outside to make sure no more of this creatures are here, okay? Stay inside." "Okay..." I reply. As Douxie got outside, the old man, which I assume is Merlin, talks to me.

"What are you even doing here, human?" He said in a rude manner, but I only got upset when he called me human. "Excuse you, I am not a human. I'm am Akiridion." I say that as I shift into my Akiridion form. "Oh no, another monster." He said. I was quite offended, so offended that I could've started tearing up from my eyes, but just before I could, Douxie and his familiar walked in with Toby, Aarrrgghh and... Great Gaylen, the blond oaf?!

"Hisirdoux, I believe you have found all guardians. Although, I did expect more." Merlin says disappointingly. "I couldn't find the changelings, or the aliens." Says Douxie. I give a him a glare. "Except one." He says. Then suddenly we hear noise. Merlin and Douxie go to the window to see what it was.

It was those horrible creatures, exactly like the one that chased me. "Quick upstairs!" Merlin exclaims. Me, Toby, Steve, Archy and Aarrrgghh ran to the top, but then I stopped to watch Douxie. He used his magic to burn the creatures.

"Fire?!" Yelled Merlin. "Yep! Magic fire." Douxie seemed proud but Merlin disagrees. "In a bookstore?!" Now Douxie is definitely my kind of guy. I run up to the others and wait with them. Then some of the creatures got to the roof where we were. I took out my serator and helped the others fight.

As we fought, Douxie and Merlin come running up. I got distracted by this and I get bitten right in my waist. "Krel!" I hear Toby yell out before everything just went black

Douxie's POV

As I fight the shadow mephits off I hear Toby cry out: "Krel!" I instantly turned around to see the beautiful boy unconscious on the ground. I run to him as Merlin gets out the ship from the glass bottle. "Woah... ship just got real." Steve says. Everyone gets on, I have Krel in my arms while I look down and see a green knight. "Boy..." said his eerie voice that chilled me to the bone.

Krel's POV

I wake up and notice that I am in a flying ship. Where was this when I needed to get home?! As I get up I drop back down and grunt because of the pain in my waist. When I open my eyes I see Douxie's marvellous face. "Shh, Shh, Shh. Stay down. You're hurt..." Douxie says this is a worrying voice. We soon arrive into a flying castle.

The ship lands in the inside of the castle. Douxie helps me up by putting his arm around me and allowing me to lean on him. I wince in pain but Douxie was making sure that he was being careful and gentle. I blushed abit because of how caring he was. I love him too much...

(End of chapter one. Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter will come soon. Bye rockers 🤘)

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