Stuck in the past

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Krel's POV

Douxie carries me off the ship and onto the ground. I see Aarrrgghh and Toby hugging their old friends Claire and some kind of six-eyed, four-armed troll which I assume is Blinky because that's what I heard Aarrrgghh call him. The blond oaf just stood there because back then, none of them liked him. Deservable hehe.

They notice me and run to me. "Oh my god... Krel are you okay?!" Claire asked, concerned. "I'm fine..." I reply to calm her down. I feel something wrapping around my waist. It was bandages. Merlin was using his magic to wrap them around the bite. I wince because of how tight it was. "See? Now he's fine. Now forget about him if you wanna see your half troll friend."  Merlin says.

I felt heartbroken that this man was treating me like I was nothing, but Douxie holds me as we go to an empty part of the castle with a huge green crystal. As we got closer, I saw that there was someone in there. It was Jim or... Troll Jim? In the crystal. "What happened to him...?" Toby asks with a sad expression.

I listen to the explanation. Although I didn't know anything from what they were saying, I still felt bad for what happened to Jim. I turned to Merlin. "Then why is he in this crystal?" I asked. "Weren't you listening? I put him in here to slow down the shard!" Merlin replies.

Suddenly I start feeling abit dizzy once again. After sometime, I was more dizzy than ever as Douxie walked me to where everyone else was going, when suddenly, everything went black.

Douxie's POV

My eyes widen when I suddenly feel Krel's body go limp and he falls out of my grip. "Krel!" I yell and shake him to wake him up. Steve saw this and came running to us. "The bite... He's losing too much blood!" Steve says, worryingly. "I knew we should have never brought him..." My eyes start getting abit moist.

Steve notices this. "You're tearing up? Krel is only a friend of yours, it's not like he's your brother?" Steve said, confused. "He just... means alot to me, now come on-" I was cut off by hearing the bell alarm go off.

I look outside to see the Arcane Order's castle in front of ours. "Another flying castle?!" Steve exclaims. " Hisirdoux, use the time map to fly them into the past!" Merlin yells from behind. I pick up Krel and have Claire and Steve behind me. I run into Merlin's tower and grabbed the time map.

We run to the top of the castle as I put Krel down and grab the castle's steer. "I GOT IT, I GOT IT!" I repeat myself. I manage to open the portal, but because of an ice bridge, the castle gets tilted all the way to the side. Me, Claire and Steve hold on but then the crystal Jim was in and Krel fell into the portal.

"Jim! Krel!" Claire yelled. I grabbed Claire's wrist. "Trust me." I say. "Wait. No no no-" I cut her off by pull her making us both drop to the portal, then Steve followed on. "Flying castles suck!" He wails as he falls. We fall through the portal and I look on my brace to find a spell that can help. "This is gonna hurt!" I say as I cast a shield so that we fall and pause, fall and pause, over and over. When we finally landed safely onto the ground, Jim and Krel fell from a tree near us which caused Jim's crystal to crack, and causes Krel to wake up with a grunt.

Krel POV

I wake up falling from a tree, what the kleb? But when I hit the ground, the pain in my waist sharpened but stopped so all I did was grunt. Douxie ran up to me worried. "Krel! Are you okay?!" Douxie was very worried. "Yeah, I'm fine, but where are we?" I asked. "I'm not sure but-" He gets cut off by Jim breaking out of his crystal. "Jim!" Claire yells happily as she jumps into Jim's arms.

Suddenly an awfully big number of knights appear. "What manner of sorcery is this?" Says the knight in front of us. Just before the knights arrived, I turned to my human form to not be in trouble. The knight points at Douxie. "Aren't you Merlin's errand boy?" He asks. "Apprentice and-" Douxie gets cut off. "Troll!" The knight yelled after noticing Jim.

"Woah! Chill out lads-" Douxie says when he jumps in front of me and the others. "Chill...? out...?" The knight says confused. "Take a breath, he's... one of the good ones." Douxie said reassuringly. "There are no good ones." The knight said confidently. The knights then noticed my injury by my waist.

"Men, get these children and the beast to the castle. Let Arthur discuss your insolence..." Said the knight. "He even talks like an angel- wait what's an 'insolence'?'' Steve asks just as we all get grabbed and taken to the kingdom. One of the knights offered me to ride on the horse with them because of my injury. I sensed jealousy inside of Douxie so I simply decline.

We then made it to the kingdom. Jim was in a cage and busy asking questions on why Douxie was here and where they were. "Why are we at a ren fair...?" Asked Jim. "I'm afraid that we are 900 years in the past." Douxie said.

Douxie's POV

We are now in the castle, and they are holding Steve, Claire and Krel hostage. "I thought I told you creatures to stay away from my territory." Says King Arthur. "You deserve the feeling of what it's like to be taken-" "More like betrayed." Morgana swoops in. "Morgana..." Claire mutters angrily. I calm her down by reassuring her. After the whole conversation. (I'm too lazy. It's almost midnight)

"Throw him in the sun..." Arthur says. "No!" Claire yells, trying to escape one of the knights' grip. Two knights grab Jim and slowly move him into the sunlight. "Stop!" Claire yells as more shadow comes into the room. I thought this was Morgana, but this was different. Claire managed to escape the knight's grip.

"Just because you're afraid of him, doesn't make him evil..." She says to Arthur. "Fine, I will show the troll mercy." He says giving me, Claire and Krel a sigh of relief, oh yeah and Steve too. "He will live... in the dungeon" Arthur says as the two knights scoop Jim up and carry him to the dungeon. "Jim...!" Claire tries to run for him but I stop her. "Jim will be okay..." I say reassuringly.

"You" Arthur says pointing at me. "Aren't you Merlin's errand boy?" "Apprentice, and I was just busy... uh... recruiting these three. They are here to help with the war." I said. Then I gesture to show Claire. "This is Claire of the house of Nuñez" I then turn to Steve. "Well this is the village idiot."  Steve then jumps in. "Oh I'm just an in-so-lent knight. All state champ. Sir Steve of Palchukia!" He says with pride

Krel's POV

After hearing Steve I immediately wanted to slap this soolian. Then the king points at me. "And that one?" He asks Douxie. "Uhm, this is Prince Krel Tarron from the kingdom of Akiridion." He says to the king. I started blushing because he just called me a prince. "A prince? How wonderful! Prince Krel, you are free to roam around wherever you please." The king says to me as he bows. "Okay...?" I simply reply.

"You." The king says pointing at Douxie. "You shall reinforce with Merlin." "You." He points at Steve. "You shall join Sir Lancelot in the battlefield." That's not good... "And you-" The king says to Claire but then gets cut off by the woman. "I'll take the girl. I could use a new handmaiden." Says the woman. I saw that Claire was not very happy about the decision but I wasn't sure why so I just brushed it off. After that, we all went our separate ways, but I stuck with Douxie. For obvious reasons, hehe...

(End of chapter two. Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter soon. Bye rockers 🤘)

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