Lake Lady

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Krel's POV

It had only been 8 hours after Steve caught me and Douxie uhm... y'know... Anyway, I was still awake while everyone else was asleep. I think it's about 03:00am now. Nightmares have been keeping me awake for delsons now. I always manage to hide it so that Aja and everyone else wouldn't notice. I then hear breathing from Claire's bed. I rushed there because in was worried that maybe something happened to her.

I walked in to see her terrified and looking at Morgana's old book. I walked up to her. "Claire? You alright?" I asked. "Y-yeah.. just a nightmare..." She replied. I then look at the book she was looking at then I looked back at her. "It was about Morgana, wasn't it?" I asked her. She nods slightly. "Don't worry Claire... everything will be okay..." I reassured her. She calmed down and smiled but when she looked at me, her eyes widened with concern. "Krel! You look awful!" I was confused at what she meant. "When last have you slept?!" She exclaims. Of course, she was concerned about my severe sleep deprivation. "7-8 weeks now...? Or more..." I replied casually.

"7-8 weeks?! That's two months!" She exclaims. "Go to sleep!" "I'm fine." I said. I then look at Morgana's old book. "What's this book about anyway?" I asked Claire. "It's a book about shadow magic..." She replied. I was about to pick the book up to take a look, but instead, the book somehow shot a shadow bolt into my forearm.

"AHH" I yelled in pain. The pain was burning. "KREL!" Claire jumps out of bed and runs up to me. I looked at my arm, my veins around the dark wound were black. Claire and I looked at eachother. "We have to take you to someone..." She said to me. "Everyone's asleep Claire..." I pulled up my sleeve to cover up the wound. "Why are you always hiding your pain?! Why don't you ever want help?! Do you wanna die or something?!" She exclaims.

I stood silent. She took a moment to realize. "Krel... no..." She said sadly. I walked away, back to the bed and into Douxie's arms. My arm was still burning with pain. I didn't want Douxie to know, or else he'd worry too much...

The next morning, I woke everyone up. We all go to Merlin's tower since he called us to go with to someplace with a Lake Lady to repair Excalibr. Claire kept on looking at me worryingly while we were on the ship. I saw that Claire had the book of shadow magic in her arms. I mostly avoided the book after what happened. Douxie put his hand on mine which was on the railing.

We were looking at the water we were sailing on. I wasn't listening to what everyone were saying until I heard Steve. "Personally, I always pack my swim suit. Extra personally... it's actually my birthday suit." I looked at Steve confused. "What's that?" I asked. "Y-you don't need to know my love..." Douxie said looking disgusted. I brushed it off.

Douxie's POV

I was disgusted by what Steve said and SO glad that Krel didn't understand. Although... I would like to see Krel's birthday suit~ Ahem, anyway. We arrived at the destination. "Alright, I'll repair Excalibr. You people stay here." Said Merlin. (After the argument) I watched as Merlin walked through the talking doors. "Holy shit Krel... how'd it take me this long to realize how injured you are...?" Steve said worryingly. I looked at my Prince and see what he meant. My heart broke as I saw how injured Krel was. A bitten waist, bandaged shoulder, badanged chest... it was horrible.

I saw Claire take a deep breath and gently but strongly grabbed Krel's wrist. "Wait Claire no-" Krel yelled but Claire pulled down Krel's sleeve showing a huge dark wound with black veins around it. My heart dropped as I stared in horror. "Krel..." I said. He looked down sadly. I felt bad and hugged him. "Let's just find a way to get inside..." Krel said as he pulled his sleeve back up.

We all sat there for a while, everyone tried thinking of a way to get passed the doors. I tried to use my magic to blast through the doors. The doors just laughed at me. I leaned my head against the wall. "This is never going to work...!" I said. Arch then flew onto onto my shoulder. "Well atleast we don't have to see Steve's birthday suit-" Arch got cut off. "Too late!" Steve yelled as he jumped into the water. Thankfully, Mine and Arch's backs were turned. Poor Claire and... oh god.. my Prince!

Krel's POV

"Too late!" I heard Steve yell. When I heard water splash I didn't see him because he was underwater... but when he came out... Great Gaylen! How the kleb does Aja like that?! Even a baby could beat that! I was traumatized until Douxie pulled me and hugged me me so that I looked away. Though, the image is now burned into my brain... I'm scared.

After about 20 minutes of Steve swimming naked, he finally put clothes back on. I was traumatized. Purely traumatized. Suddenly I got and idea on how to get through the talking doors. "Does Merlin know shadow magic?" I asked. "No... no he does not! Great thinking darling." Douxie said happily. I watched Douxie try and convince Claire to open up a portal. After a few minutes, she finally accepted.

Douxie taught her what to do. She got the steps right. When she started opening a portal, light blue sparks started coming from the wound in my arm. It was as if the magic was coming out of me too. Out of nowhere, the portal swallowed Claire, then caught me too.

Claire and I were floating in a dark, empty place. I was scared. "Where are we?!" I asked with panic in my voice. "We're I'm the shadow realm..." She replied. She grabbed my arm to help me float around with her.

Douxie's POV

Oh god oh god oh god! "Where are they?" Arch asked with worry. "Are you blind or something?! Shadow's just ate them alive man!" Steve exclaimed. "Everything will be okay... I hope..." I said trying to calm myself down. Thank Merlin that a portal opened... but only Claire fell out. "Krel!" She yelled. Then the portal closed. "No no no! Claire get him out of there!" Steve yelled.

Claire tried casting another portal. "I can't!" She yelled. Anxiety sat in all of us. "Krel's stuck in there?!" Steve exclaimed. Oh no no no no no...! Krel must get out! "Claire try again!" I yelled. "I'm trying!" She yelled back. There was no luck. "The Prince is stuck there?! Forever?!" Arch yelled. "No no no! He will come out!" I yelled.

Out of nowhere a portal open, but this wasn't Claire's... the portal was light blue, instead of Claire's purple colour. Krel then fell out. "Krel!" Claire yelled out with relief. "How did you get out...?!" "I don't know... I felt scared and worried... that I could be stuck in there... I closed my eyes and then just fell out..." said Krel.

My eyes widen with amazement... "Krel... you opened the portal..." I said to him. Him and the others were just as surprised as I was. "But... how?" He asked. "The wound on your arm. You said that the book somehow shot a shadow bolt at you, right?" I asked. "Yeah?" Krel replied. Claire then caught on. "It wasn't trying to hurt you, it send magic into you!" Claire said to Krel.

Krel's POV

Me? Shadow magic...? Impossible. "I have shadow magic...?" I asked with disbelief. "Yeah! You're just like me." Claire said. Not gonna lie, it scared me. Douxie saw the slight fear in my eyes and put an arm around me. "Everything will be okay..." He said gently. "I can help you when I get the hang of it." Claire reassured me. I slightly calmed down down but my heart was still racing.

Douxie then helped Claire open another portal. I took a few tips while listening. Claire then opened the portal and we all jumped in.

(End of chapter five. Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter soon. Bye rockers 🤘)

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