Lake Lady pt. 2

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Douxie's POV

We go through the portal and land on the deck of the lake. There was a raft on the side so we got on. We floated further into the lake and looked around. Suddenly, a tall ghost lady came out of the water. "Ms... Lake Lady, uhm, we have ventured here for the repair of Excalibr." I said to her. "That's not what you truly seek. You seek redemption from a scorned mentor." She said. I groan because it's true. She then goes to Claire. "Escape from guilt." Then she goes to Steve. "Validation of knight hood." Then she goes to Archie. "You seek... roasted Salmon?" "Guilty" He said.

She then goes over to Krel. "And you... seek death." Krel sighed. Steve and Arch looked at Krel extremely concerned. Claire looked away sadly because she somehow knew this. My heart stopped completely. Krel wanted death...? No no no... he can't want that...

Out of no where, the Lady started attacking us. "I am able to grant that wish!" She yells as she threw Steve and Krel up in the air and gobbles them up. "NO!" I yelled.

Krel's POV

Steve and I fall down the monster woman's throat and land in the stomach digestive system. Steve randomly started panicking. "Calm down! We're fine!" I yelled. Then Merlin came from behind me. "Prince, are you alright?" Merlin asked worryingly. "Yes yes, I'm fine. Let go of me..!" I was very pissed that moment. Now, I was stuck with the blond oaf and an old imbecile. We've been gobbled up by a monster woman, and, everyone knows how much I hate myself!

Steve looked at me with concern. "Krel... Are you okay-" "Can you shut up for once!? Can't you see that I'm not okay!?" I yelled. Steve was now very worried.

"Krel... calm down..." Steve said gently. "NO! I AM TIRED OF EVERYTHING GOING WRONG! WHY CAN'T ANYTHING BE RIGHT FOR ONCE!?" I felt like I was about to go insane... "My prince-" I cut Merlin off. "SHUT UP!" tears eventually filled my eyes.

Steve was about to say something but the saw something on my other wrist. He grabbed it immediately. "Hey!" I couldn't say anything else after Steve pulled my sleeve down and his eyes widened. "Why the hell do you have self-harm scars..!?" Steve asked worryingly. I pulled my wrist put of his grip. "Krel this is NOT okay!" He yelled again.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled. "No! Do you know how angry Douxie's gonna be when he finds out!?" Steve yelled back. "YOU'RE NOT TELLING DOUXIE SHIT!" I yelled. "Yes I am-" Just before Steve could finish, I snapped completely and hit him HARD. I realized what I did after I saw his nose go purple as his bled down his face. "Prince Krel! Calm yourself down immediately!" Merlin yelled.

Suddenly, we got pushed right out of the monster woman's stomach. Steve knocked one of the teeth right out of her mouth. We then landed onto the ground.

Douxie's POV

As I saw Steve, Krel and Merlin shoot out of the Lady's mouth I felt major relief. "My revenge... tasted so sweet..." The Lady said. "Revenge? What revenge?" I asked. "Yeah, you attacked us!" Claire exclaimed.

"Back then, I gave him the blade. Then he imprisoned me here!" The Lady said. "Wait, Merlin trapped you here?" I asked. She nodded. "Now my prison, will be your tomb!" She exclaimed. I looked at the handle of the shattered Excalibr in my hand then threw it to the cave wall, making an exit for the Lady to be free.

The Lady looked back at me surprised. "Well... what are you waiting for? Just go!" I said to her. "You are... different. You are kind... This reward must be repaid..." She said as a fixed Excalibr emerged from the water.


We go to the ship and set sail. I watched Claire clean up Steve's bloody nose. "Damn, the Lady really got me good." Steve said. I saw Merlin's eyes dart to Steve. "What nonsense ate you blabbering?!" He exclaimed. "It wasn't the Lady!" Steve looked away. "Steve, what really happened?" Claire asked. Steve didn't answer. "It was the Prince." Merlin answered instead.

"Haha, very funny." Claire said sarcastically. Then we saw Krelfill up with guilt. "Krel, is this true...?" I asked. Krel looked at me with sadness and nodded softly. "Listen, it's not his fault, he just got angry and stressed out, I forgive him." Steve said with a smile. Krel softly smiled back.

Steve then pulled me and Claire to whisper something. "I know what's wrong. There's no doubt about it." He whispered. "What is it?" Claire asked quietly. "Krel might be suffering with bipolar and anxiety... maybe even depression.." When Steve said that, my heart stopped. "No... no that can't be right..." I said, not wanting to accept that it was true. "Well... that explains alot..." Archie said.

*later. Again*

We've finally arrived back from the Lake Lady's territory. Claire went to her room and Steve went to the knight. Krel and I went to the tower. As we entered, I heard Krel's soft voice. "I'm sorry Douxie..." He said. "For what?" I asked. "I'm sorry you have such a pathetic person like me as your lover..." He said softly.

My heart shattered after hearing him say that.

Krel's POV

I felt terrible for Douxie having a pathetic piece of flexel like me as a lover. I felt his arms wraps around me from behind as I heard his calm, soothing voice... "Let it all out..." After I heard that, I couldn't help but start tearing up.

I turned around and cried in his arms. Douxie rocked me back and forth, kissing the top of my head. How pathetic... I'm crying...

"Just know... I'll always be here for you, my love..." He said gently. He pulled me into the bed and held me close. I cuddled into him, slightly calming down. "There we go... stay calm, my love..." He said calmly.

After I calmed down, Claire, Steve and Archie came in the room. "You able to teach me shadow magic now, Doux?" Claire asked Douxie. "Yeah, yeah I'll teach you now." He replied letting go of me.

He started teaching Claire everything. I listened abit too since... I had shadow magic... It still scared me...

(End of chapter 6. Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter soon. Bye rockers 🤘)

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