Don't touch me...

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Douxie's POV

As I was teaching Claire the ways of shadow magic, I couldn't help but think about my prince's life... Is he really this broken? I couldn't bring myself to be as happy as the others, but I tried my best. I turned to see Krel scolding Steve to calm down with his new axe because he nearly fell into the portal Claire created. I chuckled because of the amount of times Krel and scolded Steve during our time here.

I then saw Claire and Archie jump put of the portal in fear. Claire started to close the portal she made desperately. Just before the portal fully closed, Morgana's hand peaked put of the portal but she was too late. The portal closed with the sound of Morgana's evil cackle following. "Morgana's actually back? But... that's impossible!" Steve said. "I can feel her right now..." Claire said. "How can you be so sure...?" I asked. "I saw her too..." Arch said. "And I'm pretty sure Krel can feel her too..." Claire said. She then turned her head to Krel. "Right Krel?" Krel didn't speak. He just nodded. I saw that he got uncomfortable about his new magicks.

"Morgana is gonna wanna attack the kingdom during the duel fair today. We have to secure the kingdom, the castle especially." I said to them. "We have to tell Merlin." Arch said. "Yeah come on, let's go!" I said. Everyone left the room except for Krel. "Aren't you gonna come with us darling?" I asked him with a hint of concern in my tone. "I'm gonna go to the fair and get some fresh air... I feel like I need it." He said to me with a smile. I smiled back and kissed him on the cheek. "Stay safe, okay?" I said to him. He then nodded and then I left.

Krel's POV

I went outside to finally calm down from all my stress. I saw everyone getting ready for the duel fair. I walked and the kingdom for a while, and the whole walk, I felt as if something or someone was watching me. I tried to brush it of but it wouldn't stop nagging me. I started to walk back to the castle, when suddenly an arm pulled me.

(⚠️r#p€ scene⚠️/don't worry it's short.)

I got roughly and forcefully pulled into an abandoned shack by a creepy looking man. He was extremely close to me. I tried yelling for help but he put his hand over my mouth. "Shh... it'll be over soon..." He whispered to me, his voice husky and lustful. I was terrified. Tears flooded my eyes and streamed down my face like a waterfall. My heart was racing, it felt like I was paralyzed at that point. He then started to touch me in places that shouldn't be touched...

Douxie's POV

We failed to convince Merlin that Morgana was back. We went outside where there were a few people there but no Krel. I got abit worried, but I was sure that he was just roaming around. Hopefully. "Where's Krel?" Claire asked me. "He's probably just walking around somewhere..." I replied. "I'm gonna go secure the castle, you guys can walk around here. Please, try to see if Krel is anywhere." "Yeah we'll find Krel." Claire answered.

Claire's POV 😲

I walked around the kingdom hoping to find Krel or info about Morgana. I saw an old abandoned shack with a where a creepy looking man walked out of. He looked pleasured. I got abit grossed out and suspicious about him, what the hell did he do in there? I then burned the picture out of my mind and was about to walk away until I saw something that made my stomach twist. I saw Krel limp and fall out of the shack. His hair was abit messier, his clothes were ruffled. He eyes flooded with tears. He was hurt... and touched...

I ran to him and he immiedatly jumped into my arms. He sobbed into my arms. I used my shadow magic to portal us to the tower in the castle. When we were there, I looked at him with horror and concern. "Krel, what the hell happened?!" I asked with concern. He couldn't say anything, he just cried and cried. After awhile, he calmed down enough to speak to me. "I'm sorry..." He said sadly. "Hey, don't be sorry, but can you please tell me what happened..." I said.

"I-I was trying to get the stress away, but the guy pulled me into the shack a-and... t-touched me..." He stuttered poorly. My heart broke when I heard his soft, broken voice. "We have to tell Douxie..." I said worryingly. "No! Don't, please..." He said desperately. I looked at him concerned. "We have to, whether you like it or not..." I said to him sadly. "Please..." He plead, almost begging. I then sighed. "Fine... but he has to know eventually, okay Krel?" I said. He didn't reply, his body went limp. "Krel?! Wake up!!" I yelled. He didn't move. I opened a portal and took him to the nearest infirmary.

Douxie's POV

As I was busy securing the castle, Galahad ran up to me. "Oi, come, the king calls for you, boy!" I thought the king was in danger but it turns out he just wanted Arch to fight a gnome. As we we watching, I saw Steve and Claire, Steve was disappointed because he lost a fight immediately, but Claire was whispering to the king. Maybe she's telling him about Morgana. I looked back to the "side duel" and saw Arch incinerate the gnome.

I then saw the king tell some knights to go somewhere, if I'm correct, i may have heard the word "infirmary", and so they went. I was confused at first, but then I just brushed it off.

Claire's POV

I started to get ready to fight the dark knight. I tried to get myself to focus on defeating the spawn of Morgana, but I couldn't stop thinking about the danger Jim could be in and how hurt Krel is. I brushed it off and head to the duel.

Galahad called pur names, then the fight started. I was so distracted, I almost got hit. Douxie was watching me from the side, worried. The dark knight then struck me, which caused me to use shadow and get disqualified.

I saw a guy with a blade poison soaked with creeper's sun about to strike the king. "No!" I yelled. I opened a portal for the guy to fall in and the king to be saved. The guy then got touched by a gaggletag and revealed his true changeling self.

Douxie's POV

Looks like Claire found Morgana's spawn. Thank heavens she saved the king. I watched to see the changeling holding dwörkstones and activating them. Luckily, I put safety barriers around the whole castle. "Douxie!" Arch shouted. "What?" I replied confusingly. "No! The other Douxie, the one with a manbun, in the tower!" He yelled back. "Oh fuzzbuckets!"

We ran into the castle and to Merlin's tower and busted in. "What is the meaning of this!?" Merlin exclaimed. "We need to get put of here!" Claire yelled. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of-" Merlin got cut off by the trapped dwörkstone breaking in from both exits. Claire opened a portal and got us out.

I watched to see a few explosions in the castle and then get a weird feeling.

*after defeating the changeling*

Finally we defeated the changeling and saved the kingdom. In the smoke remains of the changeling, I saw the shape of a person. It was Krel. "What the kleb happened?" He asked confused. My heart skipped a beat when I saw his face and ran to him and gave him the biggest hug. "Thank God, you're safe!" I said as I hugged him. I may have been happy... but I could feel that something was wrong...

(End of chapter 7. Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter soon. Bye rockers 🤘)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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