The lost Prince

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Douxie's POV

When Krel asked me if he could stick with me, I immiedatly replied yes. We walked to where Merlin's tower is. On our way there, people bowed down to Krel because he was now a Prince. I could see in his eyes that he was uncomfortable so I took a breath and held his hand

Krel's POV

I feel my hand slip into Douxie's and I go as red as a pepper but I still smiled at him. We make it to a door way of a room that had Merlin yelling at the past Douxie. HOLY KLEB!! THERE'S TWO!! I blush alot at the sight of two Douxies. After Merlin left, we walk in which startled past Douxie.

"AH! Döppelganger!.. you're me, I'm me!" He says. I am too distracted by the two hot boys. I wasn't even paying attention until my Douxie put past Douxie to sleep with a spell. I was abit sad that there were no more double Douxies, but atleast I have my hot ass guitarist.

Douxie told his past familiar not to go blabbering to Merlin about this, then he turned to me. "Are you okay? Does your waist still hurt...?" He seemed very worried. "I'm fine..." I reply. "Okay... that's good... I'm glad you're okay darling- I mean-!!" We both blush hard at what he said.

"Hisirdoux! What is taking so long?!" Merlin yells. "J-Just cleaning up another mess!" Douxie replies back as he uses his magic to pick up the gold ingots on the ground.

I shake off what just happened and I follow him. I see him putting his hair into a man-bun, I couldn't help but giggle. "Oh come on Krel...!" He says embarrassingly. "Sorry I can't help it hehehe." I say to him. Douxie walks in and sees Morgana and Merlin talking. They didn't even notice Douxie but when I walk in, they noticed me and bowed slightly. "Afternoon, Prince Krel." Said Merlin. "Afternoon..." I reply. "Why are you here my Prince?" Asked Morgana. Great Gaylen, they remind me of Zadra and Varvatos...

"Instead of roaming around somewhere I have never set foot in, I decided to stay with my dear friend Douxie." I reply. Morgana and and Merlin were surprised to see an "ameture" like Douxie is friends with a Prince. "And why is that?" Merlin asked me. "Because I have decided to be of assistance to him." I reply. "I assure you Prince Krel, he is able to do stuff himself, I could never imagine a Prince doing errands-" I cut Merlin off with a glare. "I insist."

Douxie's POV

I clean up while Merlin and Morgana talk to the beautiful Prince. I was just about to pick up the time map but Merlin used his magic and then put it into the magical cubby hole in the wall. Then I listen to the conversation. "I assure you Prince Krel, he is able to do stuff himself, I could never imagine a Prince doing errands-" Merlin got cut off by the beautiful boy. "I insist." Krel says with a glare. Damn. He's cute but he has the scariest death glare. He's also very good at talking like a Prince. Well... He is the king-in-waiting of his planet.

"U-uhm, very well then..." Merlin says to Krel. Morgana then left and Merlin turned to me. "Hisirdoux, go milk the slor, and be careful not to dirty the Prince." Merlin demands. "Yes Master." I reply and grab a bottle. I walk out with my Prince and Arch, on my way to milk the slor. "Ugh... I hate milking the slor." I say to Krel. "Then why not just wake up your past self and get him to do it?" Krel suggests. "You know what, that's not a bad idea. Come on!" I say as we start running to where I put my past self to sleep.

After we got past me to do the work, past Arch decided to stay with past me just to be safe. "So what now?" Asked my beautiful boy. I grabbed his hand and run out of Camelot into a safe part of the woods. "Where are we...?" He asked as he looks at all the beautiful trees. He was amazed by this. His eyes were so beautiful. "This is a safe part of the woods. I though you'd maybe like it." I say to him. "I never actually liked the outdoors but this... this is just beautiful..." He says with amazement. This is my chance... "Just like you... my Prince." I say gently. I could see his cute blush form. "U-uhm... I-I..." He stuttered cutely. I go up to him and I wrap my hand around his waist slowly. "Douxie, w-what are you doing...?" The Prince stutters again. "Just close your eyes my Prince..." I say gently.

Krel's POV

I am basically as red was human blood. My body heated up but I nodded and closed my eyes while putting my hands on his shoulders. After a few seconds, I feel his lips press against mine. I kiss back, completely letting my guard down. The kiss goes on for a moment, then we both pull away. I was flushed. Douxie looks at me in the eyes. "I love you my Prince..." He says. "I... I love you too..." I smile softly after saying this. Douxie then gently kissed the top of my head. After a while, we make our way back to Camelot. My hand in his.

"I guess this makes you mine, huh?" He asked. "Is that not obvious?" I say with a giggle. I kiss him on the cheek lovingly. We arrive back to the castle and into the tower where the blond oaf was practicing his "knightly" tricks which he doesn't have. Then Claire burst in. "We have to change history!" She exclaims. "What happened?" I asked.

"Arthur's gonna kill all trolls in the dungeon at dawn!" She exclaims. "Oh no, Lake's head in about to be severed!" Steve exclaims. "If we let the trolls escape, it will mess up the time space continuum!" Douxie said. "But we gotta save Jim!" Claire yells. Douxie thinks for a moment. "Alright, let's break them out." Douxie said. We sneak down but then one of the knights stop Steve. I didn't care so I carried on sneaking. I see Douxie and Claire break out the innocent creatures.

As we make our way out, we hear Steve beat boxing in the floor above. "My king Arthur, in the building! Watch out y'all, he's gonna do some creep killing!" Douxie turns to the trolls. "Everyone, just stay calm-" He gets cut off by all of them panicking and trampling over me, Douxie, Claire, Jim and another troll Jim called Calista. I got roughly trampled on the shoulder and one of the trolls accidentally dislodged it. "AHH!" I yell in pain. Douxie looks at me with pure concern and holds me close.

By the time all the trolls ran out, we followed them to stop them. The knights and the king ran after them too. Something accidentally hit me on the hip which activated my serator, which caused me to shift into my Akiridion form. I try my best to run away and not to be seen. Douxie looks at me worryingly. "Can't you change back!?" He asked. "Not after 12 horvaths!" I reply. I then looked at all the trolls and Jim running. "I'm gonna go with Jim and the other trolls!" "But darling-" I then cit Douxie off. "Trust me. I'll be safe...!" I then kiss him to reassure him. He then nods. "I love you my Prince..." He says to me. "I love you too..." I then start running towards where Jim is. "Krel?" Jim said when he saw me. "I can't change into my human form after 12 horvaths. Now come on!" I say as we run outside the gates. Unfortunately, there was loads of sun outside. From what I've learnt, trolls die in the sun.

The king and the knight were about to run out the gates too but Douxie used his magic to keep the gate closed.The trolls started to back away from the sun. The king and knights put their spears through the holes of the gates. Me and Jim try to push the trolls forward so we don't become flexel. Out of no where, the shadow of the castle grown bigger across the bridge for the trolls to run down. Jim and I then run with the trolls. By the time we were half way across the bridge, the king and knights who were now on horses came galloping after us. We then ran into the woods as fast as we could.

We finally escaped them. "That was a close one..." Jim said. "Yeah..." says Calista. She then turns to me. "Who are you?" She asked me. "I'm Krel." I reply. "Oh okay" She simply says. "Hey check it out." I look at what she's talking about and I see a small bridge. "That's Killahead..." Jim said. "Yeah, such a scary name for a puny little bridge." Calista said. I obviously didn't know what the kleb they were talking about but all I do is listen and be oblivious to it. I just hope Douxie and Claire are safe, and the blond oaf I guess. I can't lose them... I can't lose him...

(End of chapter three. Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter soon. Bye rockers 🤘.)

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