The Prince is back

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Douxie's POV

I stand looking out the window of the tower and out into the forest, as if he was just gonna come back out of the trees. "Douxie..." Claire said to me. "He's not coming back..." "Yes he will...!" I said upsettingly. "He has to..." Steve, Claire and Archy looked at eachother. "What about the time map? With Arthur on the hunt, Merlin's tower will be empty." Said Archy. I sigh. "Alright... I'll go get the time map from Merlin's tower..."

I head to Merlin's tower, on my way there, all I was thinking about was my Prince... What if he's in danger? He's already hurt bad enough. What if he gets killed-... My body freezes and my heart stop. No... I must not think the worst... He's okay... He's with Jim...

I sneak inside Merlin's tower and go to the magical chubby hole where Merlin put the time map in. When suddenly I hear his voice... "Looking for this?" Merlin said with the time map beside him. "Or perhaps... this...?" He used his magic to pull moppet me towards himself. "Oh fuzzbuckets..."

Krel's POV

Me, Jim and Calista were finally safe, my waist hurts alot but I kept on pushing myself. Then Calista turns to me. "What kind of troll even are you?" She asks. "I am not a troll. I am the king-in-waiting from a planet called Akiridion-5." I reply. "Oh cool. Welcome to the wild wood, your majesty." She says jokingly. "Hold!" She yells to Jim and stops him from walking to a tall ravine. "Follow my steps..." She says as she slips some slabs that activated traps. "How did you know about those traps?" Jim asks. "Because... I use to live here..." She said sadly. I look around and all I see were ruins. This was Calista's home... or what's left of it... "You know, old great king Arthur, always expanding his borders." She said. "You know where I'm from, trolls, humans and extraterestrials get along." Jim said. He starts showing her pictures.

I then looked up at the bushes above and saw the knight Lancelot with Steve. Lancelot was pointing a crossbow at Jim. My eyes widen as I shoot my head towards Steve, gesturing him to knock Lancelot away.

"U-uh... Oh snap! Uhh... mosquito!" Steve hits the crossbow as it shoots. It's not pointing at Jim anymore but it shoots at Calista's leg. I jump in front and get shot right in the core. Jim, Calista and Steve's eyes widen in fear and worry. My vision is blurry... as I feel myself being dragged by Jim running.

Steve's POV (Just for fun and words)


Krel's POV

I try my best to keep up with Jim and Calista...but I couldn't anymore... I only had enough strength to change back into my human form... after I did I dropped to the ground... everything just went... black...

*Abit later*

Douxie's POV

We were all fighting shadows of Morgana whilst hoping that the king would stay alive. The shadow hit me and I fell back. The time map dropped open and showed Morgana dead. I then see Arthur about to strike Morgana with the now enchanted Excalibr sword. "No no NO!" I yell. It then happens. Morgana's hand then comes flying off her arm as she yells in pain. "Sister..." Arthur said, regretting everything. Morgana backed away but she got too close to the edge and fell to her death. "NO!" Merlin yells out. Arthur looks at the enchanted Excalibur, filled with guilt. He smashed the sword into the ground, it shattering into three pieces as he yells in defeat of losing his sister.

*Abit later. Again*

We are now back at Camelot. Our hearts broken. "Now magic has truly taken everything from me..." I heard Arthur says with sadness. Suddenly we heard knights running towards us, Galahad in front. "My king!" Yelled Galahad desperately.

Galahad looked terrified. "What is the matter...?" Arthur asked, still visibly upset from what happened. "He needs help!" Galahad exclaimed as he pointed at a knight holding a body. "It's Prince Krel sire..." Merlin said. My heart immiedatly drops and I freeze on the spot. "Get him to my tower. NOW!" Merlin yells. "Krel..." Claire says under her breath. We all run up to Merlin's tower.

Me and Claire were in Merlin's tower, watching Merlin take a fucking ARROW out of Krel's heart area. Oh Krel.. please wake up... I then saw Steve freaking out. "Oh my go oh my god oh my god!! This is all my fault!! Aja's gonna hate me...!"

"Phew... I got it out safely.." Merlin says relieved. "Hisirdoux. Take him to your tower. Make sure he rests." I nod and pick up my Prince. I carry him to the tower with Steve, Claire and Arch behind me.

I set him down on the flat surface and sigh. Claire gestures to Steve and Arch to get out and leave me and Krel alone. I put a hand on Krel's cold hand. "I never have brought you here my love... You should have stayed in Arcadia... Where it's safe.. You've been through so much... too much..."

*later. AGAIN*

I wake up to see Douxie sitting next to me saddened and visibly shaken. "Doux...?" I say weakly. "Oh Krel!" He hugs me. "What happened...?" I asked. "You were out for 4 whole hours! Are you okay?! What happened?!" Douxie said very worryingly. I explain to him what happened. After I was done, he picked me up, put me on his lap and held me close. I smiled and nuzzled my head into his shoulder.

After about in hour. It was 08:00pm. Me and Douxie were still cuddling. "How you feeling now...?" He asked me with a pint of worry. "I feel okay now." I say with a smile. He smiles back and kisses me passionately. The kiss suddenly started feeling intimate.

(⚠️making out⚠️ + Seventh kiss thing doesn't work on gay couples in my AU)

I tried to match his passion but couldn't. He pins me to the wall. I blush furiously at this. He grips my waist and makes out with me aggressively. I love it so much... My legs started giving out so he picked me up and pressed against me harder.

Douxie's POV

I kiss my Prince aggressively. I try to enter my tounge into his mouth but he refuses so I squeeze his thigh to make him moan while I slip my tounge in his mouth. I intertwine my tounge with his and kiss him deeper. I finally pull away, a string of saliva connecting our tounges.

His face was so beautiful, I couldn't resist. I started to slightly nibble his ear, then his neck. The noises from his mouth were so cute, so I bit abit harder. "Douxie... someone might catch us...~" He said. "Don't worry... no one will come in here...~" I said in a seductively tone. I lays him on the flat surface and get on top of him to continue making out with him.

Just as I started nibbling on his collarbone, Steve walks in and his jaw drops to the floor. I instantly lifted myself off of Krel. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?" Steve exclaims. Krel was covering his face with his hands in embarrassment, blushing alot. "Steve... if you tell anyone about this, I WILL kill you..." I say to him. Steve starts running away yelling for Claire.

I sigh embarrassingly. "Oh Seklos, you're dead." Krel said to me. I was confused. "Why?" I asked. "Well since Steve is dating my sister. He's gonna tell her about it. The thing is, she's VERY overprotective. So..." I realized what he meant and my eyes widen. "Oh fuzzbuckets..."

(End of chapter four. Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter soon. Bye rockers 🤘)

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