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Okay so I'm going about being myself
Helping my mother with her work
When all of a sudden
When helping her find an email in her inbox
I see an email with my name on it
Curious I decided to open it
And when I do
I see what's truly am
A monster
What was the email exactly?
Well that's easy
A letter from my childhood
An email from one of my kindergarten teachers
Explaining how I was a mental child
Who beat up fellow students
For no reason
And that I needed physiological help
So my parents took me to a physiologist
But then, in a different email
I find an email from my physiologist
That I am a
"Danger to myself and everyone around me,
unless I learn to control my anger"
I mean
Imagine living your entire life
Thinking your decently normal
And then boom
You read this
And learn that as a child
You were on the verge of insanity
A real monster
No wonder my parents thought that I deserved
To live in a cage
Like all the other monsters out there
And that I needed to be smacked into line
Like all the other beasts like me

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