To Late

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I thought nobody loved me
That their was nothing left for me
That I was just a useless piece of nothing left
It was only when it was to late that I realized
What the mistake I had done would cost
Just because I could tip the stool over while standing on it
Doesn't mean I should have
In those last few minutes of consciousness
Next to my favorite tree
While the entire world was rimmed red
I finally was able to see
Even though I couldn't breathe
The thick rope around my neck tight as can be
I was finally able to understand
Even when my brain
Was shutting down for good
I could finally feel what I never felt
That I was someone
Because it was when I was found
Hanging from a tree
Taking my last breathes
That I finally got what it all meant
Someone isn't mattering to others
It mattering to yourself
And so it is when it was to late
To take it all back
That I found myself dying
With the knowledge that I was someone
Even if it only was
For 5 seconds
Before I was gone forever
Into the dark abyss
Oh if only it had not had been
To late

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