Chapter 25

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"I didn't mean to upset her-" Mina was interrupted by Sana shushing her.

"You didn't do anything wrong. Get out of that mindset." Sana smiled, though her tears were still falling. "You know how Momo is, especially when she's agitated. When she comes back I'm sure that she'll apologise and we can take a more sensible approach to the situation."

"I'm sorry..." Mina mumbled, and Sana raised her eyebrow.

"Why are you apologising?"

"You're sad and you're still helping me. I'm not helping you."

Sana burst out laughing, much to her best friend's surprise.

"All right, well, if you're really worried about this, when you stop crying you can comfort me. Deal?" She held out her hand and Mina took it, grinning.


They didn't have time to fulfil that as somebody knocked on the door. The girls immediately knew who would soon enter, as the lock clicked.

An apologetic looking Momo walked in, her steps heavy. It seemed like that day Sana was on a streak of surprising her best friends, because she bolted towards Momo. She wrapped her arms around the girl, who was still stunned.

"I am really sorry. I don't know why that came out, I really didn't mean it." Momo sniffled, and Mina showed a small smile. She was about one hundred percent sure that Sana was also smiling, though she couldn't see her face as it was buried into her shoulder.

"It's alright. I'd much rather you disrespect my childhood than beat me up. You say my punches hurt, but I suffer every time we train together." Mina giggled, wincing. "I can still feel the pain from before we went on this mission."

After they made up, the trio immediately got to working on the existing problem.

"Devil Tamer? It's quite rare for you to call me." JYP commented, slightly surprised.

"We have an issue. A girl knows about us, and is already on to our plan. We need any assassins situated in South Korea to shut her up while we work on getting closer to Dahyun. Her name is Shin Yuna." Momo explained. 

"Understood. We're already on it." JYP replied, before ending the call. There was silence for a little, but only a little, as the girls could practically hear Sana seething.

"Satang, I know this is inconvenient, but-" Momo began, touching her best friend's arm, before being abruptly interrupted.


"Okay, calm your anger issues." Mina rolled her eyes.

"I DON'T HAVE ANGER ISSUES!" Sana retaliated, to which her best friend smirked.

"Sure..." Mina replied sarcastically.

"Anyways, we need to get Dahyun to invite us to her home quickly. I think we've all given up on the candy bongs." Momo sighed, to which the others agreed.


"You want to come over to my place during the weekend?" Dahyun asked, and the girls hastily nodded. "Why?"

"Because we're friends! I would invite you to my house, but our homes are in Japan. We're only boarding here." Momo answered.

"Sure!" Dahyun grinned, and the trio were relieved. That was easier than the girls expected. Much easier.


"You have to be fucking kidding me." Tzuyu muttered, eyeing a very angry looking Yeji.

If JYP wasn't their boss, the girls would have a serious go at him. He had so many options to silence Yuna, and decided to kidnap her. Right after Yuna told them about Sana. Because that isn't suspicious at all, right?

"That's weird. Isn't this right after Yuna said that about Sana?" Jeongyeon asked, and Sana froze. By then, the girls had told the entire group about their discovery.

"Yeah. And 'MiSaMo'. Aren't those the first syllables of your names?" Chaeyoung continued, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the trio. Nayeon gasped in outrage.

"What the hell? Are you accusing them of attempted murder!?"

Momo sighed. This girl was only digging them a deeper hole without even realising it.

"Listen. I know that this is making us look bad, but it's only a coincidence. Nothing else. Why would we come all the way to Japan just to murder Mr and Mrs Kim?" Momo had to be careful to change her words from 'assassinate' to 'murder'. "Wouldn't it make more sense to just send assassins who are already based in South Korea?"

"Good point." Tzuyu nodded. Dahyun still looked shaken, and rightfully so, she'd just found out that people were hunting down her parents.

"And anyways, what could I possibly gain from murdering anyone?" Sana added, happy that everyone was playing right into their lies. "Why would I make it this obvious?" She began to tear up as she talked. "I mean, I get queasy at the sight of blood! One time I fainted after cutting my finger..." That wasn't a total fib. She did pass out, but that was because an enemy managed to lace her knife with poison.

By the end of their conversation, the trio knew that they'd just made everyone believe them. After all, aside from their violence, this was exactly why people feared assassins. The scariest antagonists are those who only make their way in life through manipulation and lies. MiSaMo were certainly not an exception.

(🩷 I'm sorry for taking so long to update this, and I know some people may be disappointed with this short chapter...I'm trying though, so if you have any feedback please tell me! 🩷)

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