Chapter 29

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The trio began crawling through the tunnel, Mina going first, followed by Momo and Sana. Soon the girls realised that it was a vent running across the school, and suddenly, Mina abruptly stopped.

"We have to jump down." She said, before disappearing down what Momo could now see was a vent opening. The girl froze as she looked at the how high she was.

"Mitang...That's high." Momo complained, making Sana sigh. "You know I'm afraid of heights."

"And I am too, so suck it up and get down here!"

Momo let out a repressed squeal as she slipped down, only to smile sheepishly when Mina patted her on the shoulder. Sana hopped down immediately after, a big grin on her face.

"That was fun!" 

"Glad you managed to find some joy in this-" Momo stopped talking when she spotted a ladder right beside Mina. "Seriously? There was a ladder and you still made me jump?"

Mina simply shrugged. "I had to jump so you have to as well."

After a few moments more of useless bickering, the girls finally got serious again. They studied their surroundings, a weird place, all the walls were metal, and they could already see many corridors. The air was surprisingly thin, and they were forced to focus on their breathing.

"Let's go that way." Sana pointed, and she led the girls to a corridor, until she bumped her head on the entrance.

"You have to be fucking kidding me." Momo sighed, realising that this place was just like a mirror maze. To make matters worse, they weren't mirrors, they were actually pictures, making it harder than an real mirror maze.

After finally finding a real corridor, the girls rushed through it, occasionally swearing when they found a fake one. Momo quickly stuck her arm out in front of her friends, right before they all realised. 

Someone was watching them.

Mina lunged towards the woman, the girls following her, and she seized her wrist, pushing her down to the floor.

"What are you doing here?" Momo questioned, brandishing her dagger. 

"I-I'm a guard." She stammered, flinching when Sana brushed her blade across her cheek, drawing a line of blood.

"The Kims seem to be well prepared." Mina commented, and the woman laughed.

"Of course you're after them. Well, I don't care what you do to me, but you'll never win against them! Never!"


"That looks like it hurt." Momo said, looking down at the once living body of the guard. Sana had taken joy in dismembering the limbs of the poor woman, despite both Momo and Mina telling her they didn't have time.

The girls decided to start moving again, until they noticed something.

"Where did Devil tamer go?" Mina asked. It felt silly to call each other by their codenames, but it was in case someone else was watching them. Sana looked around, but realised it was just the two of them.

"I don't know." She replied, gritting her teeth. They both decided to just keep on moving, but neither stopped worrying about their best friend.


Momo clenched her fists, frustrated from the maze they were in. It was so confusing that somehow she'd strayed from her friends, and now she was alone. 

As she ran, she found many guards, but each one was as weak as the last.

"How utterly pathetic." She muttered as she ran, until she stopped, sensing something. Or more, someone. Momo poked her head around the wall, to see a man with closed eyes. He was leaning against the wall, emitting an intimidating aura. He seemed strong, and Momo frowned.

Before she could even think to act, one of his eyes shot open, and he rushed towards her with an inhuman speed. Her blade clashed against his as she quickly moved to defend herself, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Who are you?" He asked, his voice rough and condescending.

"What does it matter to you?" Momo replied, pushing him away, shocked by how much strength she was using simply to keep herself alive. She gasped when he ran over again, realising who this was. "Don't tell me you're...Mr Kim?"

The man chuckled as he managed to slightly slit her arm.

"Well done. You're not as stupid as you loo-" He was interrupted when Momo landed a blow on him. Other than a large bruise around his eye and a small cut, he was perfectly fine, but it definitely seemed to hurt his ego. Momo rarely used anything other than her dagger, but she was a capable girl, and was not afraid to get her hands a little dirty. "You must be one of the assassins JYP sent. 'She' told me all about you girls."

"Who's 'she'?" Momo asked through gritted teeth, struggling to keep up her side of the fight.

"I don't believe that's any of your business." Mr Kim laughed, seeming to enjoy this. He found somebody who was able to somewhat keep up with him, and that must have fuelled him to continue. Momo yelped when he cut into her arm again, this time deeper than before. Without warning, Mr Kim grabbed hold of the girl's neck, pushing her to the wall.

"You...Fucking bastard!" Momo coughed out, clawing at his hands, but to no avail. All she left were scratch marks which soon began to bleed. Not too much, but just a little bit. The assassin mentally cursed at herself for not agreeing to get long nails the last time she got a manicure.

"I've heard that before." He studied her face, but all that stopped when he screamed in pain. Momo was kneeing him, trying literally everything to free herself. The scream didn't come from that, though. It came from her (accidentally but miraculously) hitting the most painful part. Mr Kim dropped the assassin, and she slipped away, readying herself to fight again.

After a while of fighting, Momo managed to get quite a few deeper cuts, but she was exhausted. The assassin had fought for longer than that before, but not against someone so strong. Momo didn't even understand how she survived against the man. Mr Kim smiled a twisted smile.

"You should just give up. I've hurt you far more than you've hurt me." He said, slowly walking closer to the girl. Momo was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath, but it was hard to in such a stuffy area. She blocked another one of his attacks, though that just put her body through a wave of agonising pain.

"You aren't going to win." Momo said, struggling to keep her balance. "I won't allow it."

"Many have said the same words." Mr Kim smirked, stepping closer. "I do admire your resilience, however. So young, yet you still made it this far. What a shame that today will be the day it all ends."

He ran behind her, once again using his shocking speed, and wrapped his hand around her neck, holding her in position. Momo felt the cold chill of a gun against her head.

How could she have been so stupid? Of course he had a hidden weapon.

As much as the assassin wanted to fight, to attempt to free herself once more, she knew better than to resist. As Mr Kim tightened his grip around her neck, she could feel her consciousness slowly fading away. Momo heard footsteps, the sound of heels clacking.

"Another one?" It was a female voice.

"Take her to-"

Momo wasn't able to hear the rest before she finally passed out.

(I'm excited for TWICE's comeback!! One Spark seems really good! 🩷 And why was Dahyun's acting so good in the teaser? 😭)

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